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Jodie Whittaker to help teach Science Week on BBC Bitesize

Jodie Whittaker to help teach Science Week on BBC Bitesize

Doctor Who: Why You Should Watch Season 11 | TV Guide

Jodie Whittaker is set to join BBC Bitesize for some virtual learning next week.

Bitesize is the BBC’s free online study support resource for school-age pupils in the UK.

For Science Week on BBC Bitesize, the actress who plays a Time Lord on Doctor Who will present a lesson on outer space and the solar system.

Jodie Whittaker plays the thirteenth Doctor, who met renowned scientists Ada Lovelace, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison as well as literary greats Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron and John Polidori in the most recent Doctor Who Series 12.

The thirteenth Doctor also met civil rights activist Rosa Parks and King James I of England in Doctor Who Series 11.

Doctor Who is already featured in a Bitesize lesson in The Doctor Who Guide to Earth History.

Jodie Whittaker’s BBC Bitesize lesson will be available on the website and BBC iPlayer on Monday, June 29.