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Doctor Who Magazine 592

Doctor Who Magazine 592

Doctor Who Magazine 592 Magazines & Comics magazines

Highlights of the new issue include:

  • A 20-page supplement featuring Four Hours of Doom’s Day – a new comic-strip adventure including Autons, Cybermen and lots of surprises!
  • A giant double-sided poster.
  • Voice of Doom ­– Sooz Kempner, aka Doom the assassin, discusses playing the lead character in the new cross-media adventure Doom’s Day.
  • Day of Reckoning – the complete guide to Doom’s Day, with insights from the people who have created the stories.
  • Letter from the Showrunner – Russell T Davies looks forwards to the new episodes of Doctor Who, and recalls the revived series’ launch back in 2005.
  • The Doctor’s Wife – actor and author Elizabeth Morton on being the wife of the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, and the mother-in-law of the Fourteenth, David Tennant!
  • Working Wonders ­­­– colleagues and family recall the pioneering visual effects created by the late Peter Day.
  • The DWM 60th Anniversary Poll – the analysis of the results continues, with this issue looking at the rankings of the Seventh and Ninth Doctor’s adventures.
  • Memory Worm ­­­– Dalek writer Robert Shearman puts his knowledge of his Doctor Who career to the test.
  • Production Diary – script editor Scott Handcock files his latest report, direct from Doctor Who’s HQ.
  • Quick Draw – John Erasmus reveals what it’s like to work as a storyboard artist on the new series of Doctor Who.
  • Liberation of the Daleks Part Nine – the adventures of the Fourteenth Doctor continue in the epic comic-strip adventure written by Alan Barnes and illustrated by Lee Sullivan.
  • 60 Objects, 60 Years – the latest instalment of the series that tells the story of one object from every year of Doctor Who’s history.
  • The Fact of Fiction concludes it exploration of the Second Doctor’s encounter with the Cybermen aboard The Wheel in Space.
  • Gallifrey Guardian – all the latest official news, including cast announcements.
  • Other Worlds – the essential guide to new stories in Doctor Who’s expanded universe.
  • Previews, reviews, prize-winning competitions, Time and Space Visualiser and more.

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 592 is on sale Thursday 22 June from and WH Smith priced £10.99 (UK).
Also available as a digital edition from priced £9.99.