Robert Glenister would love a comeback in Doctor Who

Robert Glenister would love a comeback in Doctor Who

Robert Glenister

Robert Glenister may have had some regrets over the time he appeared in Doctor Who, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t want to have another crack at it.

The actor has said that he would definitely sign up for a role in the BBC sci-fi series if the opportunity arose, having previously played a robot in ‘The Caves of Androzani’, which also marked Peter Davison’s final appearance as the fifth Doctor in 1984.

Salateen (Robert Glenister) in Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani

“I did Doctor Who 30 years ago, and people still come up to me [about it],” he told us. “I played a robot.

“I’d love to do it again. I don’t want to play a robot! But yeah, I was only about 23 or something. I think what happened was it was voted one of the best Doctor Who stories of its day, and it was good, actually.

“But they did have this terrible dragon in it, which looked just like Barney the Dinosaur, to be honest!”

Back in 2012, Robert said that he had regrets over the appearance, saying: “I still get people outside the stage door with that picture of me looking about 12 and I am appalled at myself every time I see it. I looked like a complete berk and wish I never had to see it again.”

Meanwhile, Robert also fancies a Hustle reunion, especially if it mocks the BHS fiasco.

“I enjoyed Hustle a lot, it was a great team and we got on really well. We stay in touch with each other, we try and meet up a couple of times a year if we can.

“Somebody had tweeted that after the old BHS scandal that we should do a one-off special of Hustle, with a mark who you could call Sir Phillip Black! But I think [creator] Tony Jordan has other things going on.”

Robert Glenister will star in ITV’s new thriller Paranoid, which starts on Thursday, September 22 on ITV.

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