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Latest News from Candy Jar Books…


Adventures in Time & Space
Adventures in Time & Space

A spectacular, one-of-a-kind exhibition is set to arrive at Peterborough Museum this May, offering fans a chance to experience a stunning collection of Doctor Who monsters and props from the beloved long-running TV series.

As Doctor Who celebrates the twentieth anniversary of its return to television in 2005, Adventures in Time and Space has been curated to give visitors an exclusive glimpse of a vast array of spaceships, ray guns, costumes, props, and even the TARDIS itself.

For over sixty years, the Doctor’s thrilling adventures through time and space have captivated generations of viewers. However, it’s the monsters that remain etched in fans’ memories. The exhibition will explore how these unforgettable creatures were brought to life, delving into the creation of their costumes and revealing what made them so iconic.

As part of Candy Jar Books’ fifteenth anniversary, the exhibition will also feature a display of artwork by legendary artist Jeff Cummins, renowned for his Doctor Who book cover art, particularly his celebrated Target book covers and the Doctor Who Discovers series. Jeff, who has contributed some of the most iconic imagery to the Doctor Who universe, is excited that the retrospective will delve into his early work, including his very first published Doctor Who illustration and his more recent portraits of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, and Jodie Whittaker.

Jeff Cummins

Jeff Cummins says:

“It’s truly amazing to see my artwork displayed in such a fantastic venue. Doctor Who has been such an important part of my life, and to see my work continue to inspire fans and be part of the legacy of the show is an absolute thrill.”

The display will tie in with Jeff’s latest book, Outside the Box: The Complete Doctor Who Art of Jeff Cummins, a soon-to-be-released exclusive edition that takes an even deeper look at Jeff’s remarkable Doctor Who art. Featuring his iconic Target book covers, new artwork of both classic and modern Doctors, and a personal comic strip, the book celebrates Jeff’s significant contributions to the Doctor Who universe. It’s an exciting addition for fans looking to immerse themselves in the art that has shaped the show’s visual legacy.

Jeff continues:

“I hope my book and display at Peterborough Museum gives fans a deeper understanding of my journey with Doctor Who. From that childhood Dalek to my latest works, it’s all part of the adventure. I’m thrilled to share my journey with everyone.”

Curated by Derek Handley, the exhibition has been meticulously assembled with the help of a team of technicians and experts who have worked for nearly a year to bring this extraordinary collection together – and, in some cases, breathe new life into it.

Sarah Wilson, Heritage Manager at Peterborough Museum, says:

“In a way, the Daleks formed part of the cultural identity for the era they were created in, and the fact that they are recognised by people who might not even have seen Doctor Who shows the level of their impact, but they weren’t the only ones.”

Part restoration, part recreation, Adventures in Time and Space will also bring to life such creatures as Silurians, Sea Devils, Sontarans, Ice Warriors, and Cybermen, as well as many more, all recreated as closely as possible to their original screen appearances.

Opening on May 3, 2025, Adventures in Space and Time at Peterborough Museum will also feature a study of the photographic work of the late Don Smith, supported by the Radio Times.


Benton and Hawthorne Investigate

UNIT’s Sergeant John Benton pairs up with Miss Hawthorne from the much-loved Third Doctor story, The Dæmons, in a new short story collection from Candy Jar Books!

Benton and Hawthorne Investigate, written by Lucy McCaul, finds the White Witch from Devil’s End working with UNIT to ward off mythical creatures, uncover the truth behind murder plots, and even head out on a special mission to obtain missile plans and ensure peace.

Miss Hawthorne, of course, was played by the late, great Damaris Hayman in The Dæmons, and quickly became a fan favourite.

The book comes from Lucy approaching John Levene, who played Benton in Doctor Who between 1968’s The Invasion and 1975’s The Android Invasion, about the idea. He says:

“I was overjoyed to learn that Lucy has created a whole world of new adventures for Miss Hawthorne and my character. We’ve made six stories that really fit into the spirit of 1970s Doctor Who – and personally take me back to the wonderfully happy time I spent filming in Aldbourne, which doubled for Devil’s End. Lucy and I are very proud of the final collection and can’t wait for fans to enjoy them too.”

Lucy McCaul adds:

“Sergeant Benton and Miss Hawthorne made such a great team in The Dæmons – it didn’t seem fair that they only had the one adventure together, so I wrote them some more! When I gave the stories to John Levene at Aldbourne, I couldn’t have imagined what would happen next. I’m very grateful to him for his enthusiasm in advocating for the stories. This wouldn’t have happened without his efforts. I hope that readers enjoy these new adventures for classic characters and this tribute to the era of the Third Doctor.”

This special one-off collection of stories is part of the commemorations marking fifteen years of Candy Jar Books.

Keren Williams, Head of Marketing, says:

“We’ve covered so many aspects of Doctor Who in that time – from artbooks to the Lethbridge-Stewart novels, memoirs to The Lucy Wilson Mysteries – so we really wanted a fresh and unexpected approach, to add to that ever-growing universe of stories. That’s what Benton and Hawthorne is, and the playful cover, unlike anything Candy Jar’s done before, is perfectly evocative of that. It’s a little bit of magic.”

Benton and Hawthorne Investigate is edited by Philip Bates, who previously wrote 100 Objects of Doctor Who and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants. He says:

“I’ve always loved The Dæmons (like most fans!), but even more so, I loved hearing all the anecdotes that came from behind the scenes. The serial is all the better for knowing that the cast and crew were having such a fantastic time together. These short stories, then, come from that happiness, an extension of it, almost a nostalgic bubble to get lost in. They take you from quiet English villages where evil is brewing to an international threat in mainland Europe.”

Lucy explains:

“I studied in Trier in Germany for a year when I was at university, so I thought it would be fun to include a place I knew so well. I hope readers are transported there and want to visit because it really is a beautiful city.”

The location for the first story, The Wyverns of Addershall Hall, is also based on the Colchester Campus of the University of Essex, where Lucy spent a couple of years studying, and the nearby village of Wivenhoe too!

Benton and Hawthorne Investigate also features a foreword by John Levene.


Murder! Magic! Morning tea!

When UNIT is called in to investigate strange goings-on at Addershall Hall, they uncover a supernatural menace about to be unleashed upon the world. They need an expert. They need Miss Hawthorne.

Or “Aunt Olive”, as Sergeant John Benton of UNIT calls her.

The pair must go undercover to find out the truth about the wyverns ushered into this universe by a clandestine group of evil-worshippers. Tempted away from Devil’s End, Miss Hawthorne soon gets a taste for adventure, and so, in these six short stories, she and Benton have to track down the reason for mysterious earthquakes across the sleepy village of Lower Budworthy, slip out the Wringford Worm’s grip, and find themselves in Germany, recovering experimental missile plans. Of course, they also meet some new friends – and plenty of enemies – along the way.

It’s Agatha Christie, spliced with dark magic, and infused with that warm nostalgic glow of the 1970s Doctor Who Target novels.

Going beyond The Dæmons, the Brigadier assists Benton and Hawthorne in this exciting confrontation with the forces of black magic!

Benton and Hawthorne Investigate is available for pre-order now, for £12.99 (+ p&p).


Candy Jar is pleased to announce the sixth book in the ongoing Benton Files short story series.

Like the previous volume, The Benton Files VI again contains one long story instead of two shorter ones. Aliens, Alchemy & Ale is written by Paul Driscoll, another writer new to Candy Jar.

Range editor Tim Gambrell tells us how this came about:

“Paul was one of a number of writers to whom I reached out some time ago. Like Matt Barber previously, Paul came back with an idea and, indeed, an initial draft that I just felt we could do so much more with. Unless it’s a stylistic choice, I tend not to enjoy short stories that feel like edited highlights of something much larger. There were moments in Paul’s story where that seemed to be the case because – like the good writer he is – he was trying to keep within the word limit. So, I sent him away with the task of expanding key parts of the story that felt could be developed further. Thankfully, he jumped at the chance and here we are.”

Paul explains where the seed of his idea came from:

“The starting point I set myself was to imagine Benton in a totally unfamiliar setting – not an alien one, but a very human world far removed from his day job. I thought it would be fun to place Benton in a setting where he’d be like a fish out of water.”

“We have to be careful,” says Tim, “that we’re not putting Benton in certain situations simply for the sake of a story. Part of my role as range editor is to know when to put the brakes on an idea. Benton goes to university – to Oxbridge? It might sound unlikely, but Paul fully justified it in the context and how could I doubt such a shrewd undercover move by the Brigadier?”

Paul goes on:

“There’s a very personal link in choosing Oxford University. I was a mature student there between 1996-1999, at the same college where I set much of the story, and very much felt out of place myself. I was married, we’d not long had our first child, and I wasn’t particularly academically minded. I didn’t have time to join a student society, but I did spend many an evening drinking in The Eagle & Child. Yes, the college did have a resident tortoise, and croquet was a regular pastime on the quad. It also had a snooker room in the basement. Having to wear a gown and mortar board as we walked from one college to another made them surprisingly irritating journeys to navigate, with overseas tourists regularly stopping us to take photos. So many memorable images that I could play around with as I imagined the story. Benton has similar experiences to my own, with the added spice of him having to mix with pacifist, anti-military students.”

But there’s another element at play in Aliens, Alchemy & Ale. Tim takes up the story again. “My original intention was to pair up Paul’s story with a linked one by Kara Dennison. Paul and Kara have written together often. However, it would have been a very uneven book if we’d continued down that path. Candy Jar readers won’t have to wait too long to find out what Kara came up with, but between her and Paul, his story ended up heading much further afield than simply Oxford. Paul’s story is now able to breathe and develop more organically, without losing the pace or the sense of wonder.”

All in all, Aliens, Alchemy & Ale takes Benton to some intriguing new places, never before explored in the Benton Files range. Readers will have to wait to find out which of the alien guest cast in Paul’s story will also feature in Kara’s!

We’ll leave the final thoughts to Paul himself:

“UNIT holds a very special place in my Doctor Who affections, harking back to my earliest experiences of the series. The first TV story I remember watching in full was Tom Baker’s debut, Robot, but I have patchy memories of the Pertwee years. With all that was weird, wonderful and frightening about Who, there was a familiarity in the military characters, a grounded sense of reassurance knowing that UNIT was working to protect my world. It’s the one element of the series I didn’t want to change, and I grew increasingly unhappy at every passing story with no UNIT involvement. Aside from the Target novelisations, I got my UNIT fix by making up my own stories in comic book form. Nearly fifty years on, the opportunity to write for UNIT at Candy Jar is a great honour and thrill.”

The Benton Files VI, by Paul Driscoll, with cover art by Richard Young, is available to pre-order now.


Join retired Sergeant Major John Benton as he recounts another tale of his exploits from yesteryear. In Aliens, Alchemy & Ale, by Paul Driscoll, young Sergeant Benton finds himself dispatched to Oxford University on an undercover mission for the Brigadier. He swiftly inveigles himself with the Alien Investigation Society, which leads him to the local brewery where strange things are afoot with their new drink, Alchemy. Stranger still is the College groundskeeper and his links to the prison planet Sirius Five. What plans does the masked, enigmatic Mr Stein have, not only for the students at Oxford, but for the government of Great Britain itself – and possibly the world? Read this new hair-raising adventure to find out…

The Benton Files 6 is available for pre-order now, for £6.99 (+ p&p).

New Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda Chandra novels coming in May

New Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda Chandra novels coming in May

Fear Death by Water

Fear Death By Water by Emily Cook

Northumberland, 1838. The TARDIS crash lands on board a sinking steamship. Stranded, the Doctor and the few survivors fight for their lives – while the local lighthouse keeper’s daughter, Grace Darling, risks her life to row to their rescue.

Lauded a heroine, Grace struggles to cope with her new-found fame. But the Doctor senses something else is troubling Grace. She’s been tormented by the terrifying vision she saw out at sea in the storm. There’s a monster in her mind, wrecking ships and stealing the souls of the drowned. And it’s real.

Pre-order Fear Death by Water here.

Spectral Scream by Hannah Fergesen

Spectral Scream

When a psychic shriek for help nearly overwhelms the TARDIS, the Doctor and Belinda track the source to a distant planet. There they find a sentient, telepathic bioship named Adama and ragged colonists descended from the original crew. Adama is dying, and their spectral screams are growing strong enough to kill anyone in the vicinity. 

When Adama crashed 100 years ago, it was with a great treasure on board, stolen from the ruthless Gangnax Imperium – technology that could either unite worlds or destroy them. If they are to save the bioship, the Doctor and Belinda must survive suspicious colonists, greedy bounty hunters and military forces determined to reclaim what’s theirs – before Adama’s final death throes destroy them all.

Pre-order Spectral Scream here.

Both titles will be released on hardback and audiobook (Digital and CD) on 29th May, 2025. Spectral Scream will be read by Michelle Asante (who had a brief role in In the Forest of the Night) and Fear Death by Water will be read by Susan Twist (best known to fans as the omnipresent Susan Triad in Ncuti Gatwa’s first season as the Doctor).

About the authors

Emily Cook will be known to fans for organising the ‘Doctor Who: Lockdown’ initiative in 2020 which saw the likes of David Tennant, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Catherine Tate tweeting to Whovians across the world whilst watching episodes. She has also worked with Big Finish and Apple TV.

Hannah Fergesen is a freelance editor and former literary agent who has represented New York Times bestselling authors and since written their own debut novel, The Infinite Miles, a time-travelling science fiction odyssey and homage to Doctor Who.

Candy Jar & Andrews UK Partner Bring Doctor Who Spin-Off Titles Worldwide

Candy Jar & Andrews UK Partner Bring Doctor Who Spin-Off Titles Worldwide

Candy Jar & Andrews UK

Candy Jar Books and Andrews UK are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership to bring Candy Jar’s beloved Doctor Who spin-off novels to a global audience. This collaboration marks a major milestone in the expansion of Candy Jar’s Doctor Who catalogue, offering Whovians around the world the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history and characters of the Doctor Who universe like never before.

The partnership kicks off with a special Amazon-exclusive hardback edition of The Forgotten Son by Andy Frankham-Allen, the book that launched the Lethbridge-Stewart series back in 2015. As a dedicated home for fans of Doctor Who’s expanded universe, Candy Jar Books has earned a reputation for celebrating the show’s rich legacy through its engaging titles.

Keren Williams, Head of Marketing at Candy Jar Books, says:

The Forgotten Son is the book that started it all, so it’s only fitting that it leads us into global distribution. Since its release, we’ve published numerous titles, including Doctor Who art books, non-fiction works, and, of course, the ever-expanding Lethbridge-Stewart series. We’re now in our eleventh series, and this partnership represents an exciting next step for the brand.”

The Lethbridge-Stewart series, a fan-favourite Doctor Who spin-off, focuses on Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart’s life and adventures, both before and during his time with UNIT.

Alongside the release of The Forgotten Son, fans will be pleased to see the initial rollout also includes hardback editions of Mutually Assured Domination by Nick Walters, (featuring the Dominators and Quarks), 100 Objects of Doctor Who by Philip Bates,  Times Squared by Rick Cross, Mind of Stone by Iain McLaughlin, Jill Curzon: 2023 AD (who appeared in the film Daleks’ Invasion Earth: 2150 AD), and the eagerly anticipated Life of Evans by John Peel — the first in a series of out-of-print Lethbridge-Stewart novellas.

Shaun Russell, Head of Publishing at Candy Jar Books, says:

“Partnering with Andrews UK allows us to take the magic of our books to a global audience. This year marks Candy Jar’s fifteenth anniversary, a fantastic journey that began with the publication of One Woman’s War by Eileen Younghusband. Over the years, we’ve published Doctor Who spin-offs, won the Tir Na n-Og Award and the People’s Book Prize, and released coffee table art books like Kklak: The Doctor Who Art of Chris Achilléos. We’ve also introduced beloved children’s titles such as Shane the Chef, Ivor the Engine, and The Raccoons to our readers. Collaborating with AUK is a perfect way to kick off this milestone year for us.”

Andrews UK is a dynamic multimedia company celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2025. Specialising in books, films, streaming content, audio plays, and video games, the company embraces both modern storytelling and the enduring appeal of nostalgic IP. Andrews UK is best known for producing new works from iconic properties such as Robin of Sherwood and The Tomorrow People, collaborating with stars from Marvel, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, and more on new projects, and preserving the hidden gems of classic entertainment.

Paul Andrews, CEO at Andrews UK says:

“Andrews UK is excited to welcome the Candy Jar team into the wider family of AUK partners. We have collaborated with so many other publishers, authors and IP owners on literally thousands of projects and releases over the last 25 years.  2025 is a big year for Andrews UK and to kick it off with such a sensational partnership is fantastic. We have a raft of amazing announcements to come, and we can’t wait to share our plans with you.”

The titles will be distributed worldwide through Andrews UK, with UK distribution managed by the Books Council of Wales, ensuring fans across the globe have access to the adventures of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and other iconic Doctor Who characters.

For more information on these exciting releases, visit Candy Jar Books’ website.

About Candy Jar Books:

Candy Jar Books is an independent publisher with a passion for Doctor Who and its expanded universe, committed to bringing fans new stories and exciting adventures from the world of the Doctor.

About Andrews UK

Andrews UK Limited has been a leader in digital publishing and distribution for twenty-five years. Based in Luton, Bedfordshire, the company prides itself on being able to provide support to publishers, video game developers and IP owners across a variety of mediums, including books, audio (music, audio dramas and audiobooks), video games, film, streaming and more.

Script Doctor: 20th Anniversary Limited Hardback Edition

Script Doctor: 20th Anniversary Limited Hardback Edition

Image 1 of Script Doctor: 20th Anniversary Limited Hardback Edition

A special edition hardback to mark 20 years of Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel’s bestselling memoir Script Doctor, limited to 250 numbered copies.

* Signed by the author
* New Pop Art cover illustration by Paul Burley
* Six-page colour Happiness Patrol prequel comic strip, originally published in SFX
* Andrew’s 1987 Notes to Writers, included for the first time

‘There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea’s asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there’s danger, somewhere there’s injustice, and somewhere else the tea’s getting cold. Come on, Ace – we’ve got work to do!’

Andrew Cartmel was the script editor on Doctor Who from 1986 to 1989. During his time on the show, he introduced the seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and his companion Ace (Sophie Aldred) and oversaw 42 scripts written by eight writers new to the series.

With a clear mission to bring proper science fiction back into Doctor Who, he formulated what was later termed ‘The Cartmel Masterplan’, reintroducing the mystery to the character of the Doctor as the series celebrated its 25th anniversary and beyond.

Script Doctor is his memoir of this time, based on his diaries written sometimes on set and sometimes not even in the diary itself but on the backs of script pages.

With an introduction by modern-era Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat, a foreword by Sylvester McCoy, and an afterword by Sophie Aldred, this book is illustrated with 32 pages of photographs, many never published before. It is a vivid account of life in the Doctor Who production office in the late eighties.

Casebound Hardback: 156mm x 244 format; 228 pages in black and white, plus 38-page colour insert.


Evolution of the Toy Dalek: Collecting Through The Ages

Evolution of the Toy Dalek: Collecting Through The Ages

Evolution of the Toy Dalek: Collecting Through The Ages by Alex Storer.

One of the most iconic creations to come out of the BBC’s cult television show Doctor Who is the Dalek. Its deceptively simple shape, movement and voice have beguiled fans since the very start, and it wasn’t long before the merchandisers came on board and started to produce Dalek toys in a variety of shapes and sizes, and with variable features and functions from push and go, to voice activated.

Dalek enthusiast Alex Storer takes us on a fan and collector’s journey through the multitude of Dalek toys which have been produced over the years. From the early days of Louis Marx and Selcol in the 1960s, to the modern Character Options variants, every type of toy Dalek is pictured and discussed. This is not an exhaustive catalogue or a guidebook, but an enthusiastic and appreciative love letter to the toy Dalek, explaining the challenges and elements of their construction, and how these changed as technology grew more sophisticated.

With interviews and input from many of those who were involved in the creation, design, manufacture and marketing of the toys, this book is a gloriously designed and illustrated celebration of the Dalek in miniature form.

This book will be available in NEW ZEALAND from RETROSPACE – keep an eye on their website for ordering details:

This book will be available in NORTH AMERICA from WHONA – keep an eye on their website for ordering details:


ALEX STORER is an illustrator and graphic designer with a lifelong passion for Doctor Who and science fiction. He is also the creative force behind ‘The Light Dreams,’ an instrumental music project blending electronic and ambient styles to create otherworldly soundscapes. Alex’s artwork has featured in Doctor Who Magazine and he has maintained fan site, since 2002. He has previously written the digital publications Who, Where and When and Up Close as well as collaborating with John Collier on a series of free publications about the original Doctor Who exhibitions: Blackpool RememberedBlackpool Revisited, and Longing for Longleat.

RICHARD HAYES has been an enthusiast for science fiction for as long as he can remember. It no doubt contributed to him taking a degree in astronomy in the early 1970s, but probably not to his subsequent career in accountancy and the law. Now happily retired, as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society he continues to take a close interest in developments in astronomy and space science. He has written occasional articles on speculations in science and themes in science fiction, which have almost certainly been considerably more entertaining than his writings from time to time in accountancy journals. Over the years he has followed Doctor Who’s ups and downs, much like life in general, but remains impressed with the consistent originality and popularity of science fiction, and has accumulated a fair library in the genre. Like Alex, he has a very understanding wife.

164pp. 11×8.5 format full colour paperback.
ISBN 978-1-84583-236-0
Published 1 March 2025

EXTERMINATE! REGENERATE! The Story of Doctor Who by John Higgs

EXTERMINATE! REGENERATE! The Story of Doctor Who by John Higgs

Bath Literature Festival presents this exclusive Bath pre-publication event with leading cultural commentator John Higgs about his first biography of the infamous Time Lord from Doctor Who.

On screen, Doctor Who is a story of monsters, imagination and mind-expanding adventure. But the off-screen story is equally extraordinary – a tale of failed monks, war heroes, 1960s polyamory and self-sabotaging broadcasting executives.

From the politics of fandom to the inner struggles of the BBC, thousands of people have given part of themselves – and sometimes, too much of themselves – to bring this unlikeliest of folk heroes to life.

This is a story of change, mystery and the importance of imaginary characters in our lives. able to evolve and adapt more radically than any other fiction, Doctor Who has acted as a mirror to more than six decades of social, technological and cultural change while always remaining a central fixture of the British imagination.

In Exterminate / Regenerate, John Higgs invites us into his TARDIS on a journey to discover how ideas emerge and survive despite the odds, why we are so addicted to fiction, and why this wonderful wandering time traveller means so much to so many.

John Higgs is the author of I Have America Surrounded, The Klf, Stranger Than We Can Imagine and Watling Street to name a few.

EXTERMINATE! REGENERATE! The Story of Doctor Who by John Higgs

Wednesday 09 April 2025
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Waterstones (Bath)
£25 including book | £14 without book | £10 concessions without book (exc. fees)




Companions: More Than 60 Years of Doctor Who Assistants

Companions: More Than 60 Years of Doctor Who Assistants has expanded to a massive 700 pages, and is now available to buy from Candy Jar Books.

The original Companions book by Andy Frankham-Allen was released in 2013, and came to just over 300 pages. This new edition, updated by Philip Bates, is a whopping 700 pages long, covering every companion from Susan, Barbara Wright, and Ian Chesterton, to Ruby Sunday – and brings us right up to date with a section on Anita Benn, who stayed with the Fifteenth Doctor for a year in the most recent Christmas special, Joy to the World!

Candy Jar Head of Publishing, Shaun Russell, says:

Companions is like a whole new book. Philip’s added to every single chapter, looking at not only the TV adventures of all the companions, but also their travels in comics, audio, and novels. And then there are all the companions who are exclusive to other media – Charley Pollard, Professor Bernice Summerfield, Majenta Pryce, Constance Clarke, Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu… and so many more.

“When it became clear how much more we wanted to cover this time around, we knew the page count was going to swell, but I think it’s surprised everyone to learn by how much!”

Companions: More Than 60 Years of Doctor Who Assistants now includes:

  • Updated sections dedicated to every single regular TV companion, including Jamie McCrimmon, Sarah Jane Smith, Peri Brown, Rose Tyler, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, Bill Potts, and Yasmin Khan.
  • Expanded chapters on the multimedia adventures of TV companions, featuring details of what happened to them after they left the TARDIS, and bringing each one up to date to form a definitive guide to their journeys on screen and off.
  • Companions exclusive to the Expanded Universe, including Jeremy Fitzoliver (introduced in The Paradise of Death); Mrs Wibbsey (from the Nest Cottage audio series); Doctor Who Magazine original characters like Sharon Davies, Sir Justin, Kroton, and Fey Truscott-Sade; Stacy Townsend and Ssard from the Radio Times; Big Finish companions like Oliver Harper, Anya Kingdom, Hebe Harrison, Elizabeth Klein, Lucie Miller, Nova, and Valarie Lockwood; characters who feature in novels such as Fitzgerald ‘Fitz’ Kreiner, Princess Freydis of Trondheim and Henrik, Chris Cwej, Cinder, and Grant Markham; and other comic companions like Alice Obiefune, Josephine ‘Josie’ Day, Heather McCrimmon… and even a robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex called Kevin!
  • New chapters for the companions of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Doctors, as well as sections for the War Doctor and Fugitive Doctor.
  • A brand-new chapter on the Eighth Doctor’s companions like Grace Holloway, Molly O’Sullivan, C’rizz, Liv Chenka and Helen Sinclair, Lady Audacity Montague, Compassion, Izzy Sinclair and Destrii, Cass, Samantha Jones, and more.
  • Sections throughout about River Song, noting down her meetings with numerous Doctors.
  • An essay asking what makes a character into a companion.
  • An examination of Ace’s various timelines and endings, and how they tally with her inclusion in The Power of the Doctor, alongside updated entries for Tegan Jovanka, Donna Noble, Wilfred Mott, and Melanie Bush to account for their adventures with the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Doctors.
  • An updated look at the roles of Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and his daughter, Kate Stewart – and of UNIT – in the Doctor’s life.
  • A new cover and afterword by Doctor Who artist, Colin Howard.

Philip Bates, who has previously written 100 Objects of Dr Who for Candy Jar Books, says:

“This has been a real labour of love. It’s taken about two years to write because once you start digging deep into Doctor Who, there’s so much more than meets the eye. The original plan was to add around 80 pages. In the end, we’ve added nearly 400.

“My favourite bits were uncovering Expanded Universe lore I knew little of. I run the Doctor Who Companion website, so pride myself on knowing a lot about the show; nonetheless, I had no idea, for instance, that the Twelfth Doctor got a temporary companion in his first-ever licensed short story, published in the Doctor Who Official Annual 2015!

“And of course, I had a great deal of fun tracking River Song as she met the Doctor again and again and again…”


 Doctor Who was never really about the Doctor. This is the story of the Time Lord’s companions – friends through all time and space.

 Discover the journeys of every one of the Doctor’s assistants, from Susan, Ian Chesterton, and Barbara Wright, to Fifteenth Doctor companion, Ruby Sunday; including their adventures off-screen, in novels, comics, and audio.

 Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants is an in-depth account of each companion, examining their arcs, significance in the TV series, and how they traversed different times, places, and mediums. Relive their travels on television. Learn what companions did after they left the TARDIS. And meet the Doctor’s wider network of friends, from Evelyn Smythe to Liv Chenka, Professor Bernice Summerfield to his grandchildren, John and Gillian.

 See the universe anew through their eyes.

Companions: More Than 60 Years of Doctor Who Assistants is available from the Candy Jar website, for £20 (plus p&p). To order, click here.



This Black Friday, Candy Jar Books is offering its biggest and best sale ever, packed with amazing deals that fans won’t want to miss!

Whether you’re looking for the perfect Christmas gift, or are looking to treat yourself this winter, now is the time to grab some of your favourite Candy Jar books at unbeatable prices. Fans of Doctor Who, Lethbridge-Stewart and The Lucy Wilson Mysteries will find fantastic deals, such as:

There will also be exclusive bundles, including the Lucy Wilson Starter Bundle for £15 (a great way for new readers to jump into the series) and the Doctor Who Artists Bundle, which contains Invisible Artist by Jeff Cummins, Timeslide: The Doctor Who Artwork of Colin Howard, and Kklak! The Doctor Who Art of Chris Achilléos for just £36! (But act fast – there are only 10 bundles available!)

These incredible deals will disappear after 12pm on Monday, December 2nd – and once they’re gone, they’re gone. So this is your chance to stock up on amazing reads for the holidays and save big!

“We know how important it is to give back to our loyal fans, and this Black Friday sale is one of the ways we’re doing that this year,” says Shaun Russell, Head of Publishing at Candy Jar Books. “We want our readers to be able to enjoy some of our most loved titles without breaking the bank, especially at Christmas. We’re excited to offer these unbeatable deals and share our stories with even more people.”

As part of Candy Jar’s commitment to making the holiday season a little brighter, there will be a smaller sale starting on the 3rd of December and will continue up to Christmas (but this will feature fewer bargains, so don’t wait)!

All books ordered via the Candy Jar shop before December 18th will arrive in time for Christmas (unless they are pre-orders).

Books in the Sale:

Latest Dr Who Spin-Offs From Candy Jar Books

Latest Dr Who Spin-Offs From Candy Jar Books


Award-winning independent Cardiff publisher Candy Jar Books is excited to announce the release of Nobody’s House: The Curse of Jack Treadful, a charming and spooky novel by Baz Greenland. Inspired by the beloved British children’s television series from the 1970s, this modern retelling breathes new life into the whimsical tale of Nobody, a mischievous ghost boy who has haunted Cornerstones House for generations.

Originally created by Doctor Who producer Derrick Sherwin and Martin Haw, Nobody’s House introduced viewers to Nobody, a spirit determined to scare off anyone daring to enter his domain. In The Curse of Jack Treadful, the story follows the Sinclair family as they move into Cornerstones House, unaware that a ghost named Nobody is determined to protect his home. The youngest of the family, Tom and Gilly Sinclair, soon see through Nobody’s ghostly façade, forging an unexpected friendship. Together, they must face the sinister Jack Treadful, portrayed in the original TV show by Brian Blessed, whose villainy remains a central threat in this new adaptation.

Keren Williams, Head of Marketing at Candy Jar Books, says:

“Baz Greenland has done a fantastic job of bringing this classic story into the twenty-first century. Fans of the original show will love the nods to its history, while new readers will be enchanted by the mix of humour, heart, and just the right amount of spookiness.”

Baz Greenland is a Cardiff-based writer whose works span novels and online publications. His recent novel, The Mystery of Lucy Wilson: Rampage of the Drop Bears, from The Lucy Wilson Mysteries, a Doctor Who spin-off series, was widely praised for its engaging narrative set in Australia.

Baz comments:

“I wanted to capture everything I used to love about the original show while adding a fresh, modern twist. I used the first two episodes as a starting point and incorporated as much of Derrick Sherwin’s dialogue as possible, especially with iconic characters like Jack Treadful. I think fans of the original series will appreciate the nods to the past, but I also hope new readers find it just as engaging.”

In Nobody’s House Greenland pays homage to the show’s origins, with special details like naming the street Cornerstones House stands on “Sherwin Street” after its creator. Derrick Sherwin’s daughter, Kate Sherwin, is particularly pleased with these thoughtful nods to her father’s work. Kate says: “It’s wonderful to see these little tributes to my father woven into the story. The fact that the street is named after him is a lovely touch, and I know he would have loved seeing Nobody’s House brought back to life in such an exciting way.”

Keren Williams adds:

“This book will appeal to fans of the BBC show Ghosts. With its blend of nostalgia, modernity, and supernatural adventure, it’s a fantastic read for all ages.”

Nobody’s House is available from the 31st of October and is being distributed by the Books Council of Wales, making it available at all good bookshops.


There’s no such thing as ghosts. That’s what the Sinclair family believes, but they’re about to be proven very, very wrong!

So, who is Nobody? That’s a very good question! Nobody is a ghost – a ghost who doesn’t have a name, or at least not one that he remembers.

Nobody has lived at Cornerstones House for a long time and has always managed to scare new people away. And why does Nobody do this? Well, that’s quite simple – it’s Nobody’s house! But it’s not going to be just Nobody’s house for much longer…


Candy Jar Books is thrilled to announce the release of a brand new collection of festive short stories in The Lucy Wilson Mysteries. This collection is yet another collection of Lucy’s chaotic Christmases and will be released before the holiday season kicks off!

Entitled The Twelve Days of Christmas, this anthology features twelve stories by author Steven Walton, all set just before Christmas 2021. The collection begins with “Twelve Drummers Drumming” and concludes with “A Partridge in a Pear Tree,” following the traditional English carol’s structure. While the carol spans Christmas Day to January 5th, these stories take readers on twelve merry adventures leading up to Christmas Day.

In keeping with tradition, The Twelve Days of Christmas was initially offered for free on the Candy Jar website during the lead-up to Christmas 2023 as a gesture of gratitude to fans for their continued support. Following an overwhelmingly positive response, the Candy Jar team felt it was only fitting to release the stories as a collection for Christmas 2024.

Head of publishing at Candy Jar, Shaun Russell, says:

“It’s become a bit of a tradition to release a collection of Christmas tales in time for the holidays. A number of our authors have written festive stories for us over the years, it seems to be something that they enjoy and as the whole Candy Jar team loves reading them we wanted to make them easily accessible for fans of the series as well.”

The Twelve Days of Christmas is Candy Jar’s third Lucy Wilson Christmas book, with the very first collection Christmas Crackers having been released exclusively to fans in 2019 and to retail in 2021, and the second book The Best Christmas Ever having been released exclusively to fans in 2022 and then to retail in 2023.

This year’s Christmas instalment begins with a power cut at Lucy’s house, where something mysterious lurks in the darkness in “Twelve Drummers Drumming.” It wraps up with a whimsical trip around the world with Santa Claus himself in “A Partridge in a Pear Tree.”

Author, Steven Walton, says:

“Writing these stories was an absolute joy. I wanted to capture the spirit of chaos and excitement that the holiday season brings, and I hope readers will find themselves laughing and gasping along the way.”

Earlier in 2024, Steven released his first Lucy Wilson novel, The Mystery of Lucy Wilson: Apocalypse Tomorrow, to all retail outlets. The Twelve Days of Christmas is a great way to close the year. He continues: “The festive spirit is alive in my new book! I can’t wait for readers to join Lucy on her Christmassy adventures.”

Popular Beano artist Steve Beckett continues to helm the series’ artwork, delivering one of his most vibrant covers yet, filled with festive finesse.

Blurb for The Twelve Days of Christmas:

By now, Lucy Wilson shouldn’t have expected anything less than a holiday hamper full of monster mayhem at Christmas. But Lucy didn’t really anticipate being attacked by her Christmas dinner!

 In the lead-up to Christmas, Lucy must face twelve days of Christmas Chaos. From monsters lurking in the pipes to a Christmas party gone wrong, and even a trip around the world with Santa himself.

 This is a collection of twelve stories set just before Christmas 2021. Will Lucy be able to save the world just in time for the holidays?

 The Lucy Wilson Mysteries features licensed characters created for Doctor Who by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln.

The Twelve Days of Christmas is being distributed by the Books Council of Wales making it available from all good retailers, including your local independent bookshop.

With guaranteed delivery before Christmas from Candy Jar if ordered before the 15th December 2024!


Candy Jar is pleased to announce the third novel in its UNIT range, The Secret of Foxfell Forest, by popular writer Nick Walters.

Range Editor Tim Gambrell tells how this book came about. He says: “Nick contributed one of the early Lethbridge-Stewart novels, Mutually Assured Domination, so it adds a pleasant symmetry having him write one of the first UNIT novels, too. We talked over some initial ideas before Nick suggested he bring back the Valethske from his 2001 BBC PDA Superior Beings. When he laid out the basic premise of The Secret of Foxfell Forest, I knew we were on to a winner.”

Nick explains the background to the story:

“The story of The Secret of Foxfell Forest goes back a long way. It’s an idea I had right after writing Superior Beings, over twenty years ago. What if the Valethske crash-landed on Earth? How would they survive? Because they see humans only as prey – they do not differentiate between us and, say, pigs. They are totally inimical to humans. If you encounter them, it’s game over, man, game over! But stranded on Earth and outnumbered, a handful of Valethske would need to find new ways to adapt and survive.”

Nick continues:

“So when I was asked to do a UNIT story, this idea resurfaced. UNIT versus the Valethske – it was irresistible. But I wanted this to be more than a mere shoot-em-up, as there’s more to UNIT and the Valethske than that. I wanted to show how UNIT deals intelligently and compassionately with alien threats, and how the Valethske are not mere monsters, but people in their own right, without compromising either. UNIT are still a force to be reckoned with – and the Valethske are still something to be feared. And without giving too much away, they retain their savage integrity right to the end.”

“Nick’s passion and enthusiasm for the Valethske and the story he wanted to tell was evident from the start,” says Tim.

“We agreed the UNIT character split between Foxfell and Iain McLaughlin’s Catacombs of Seville – with the events of both books happening at the same time – and really I just had to light the blue touchpaper and sit back. Having decided that UNIT books two and three would take place simultaneously, splitting the regular cast between them, it was important to make sure both books didn’t tread similar ground. It was also important to make sure the stories they told were to the best scale. I think both Nick and Iain judged things perfectly. We have two books telling very different stories, yet both very much UNIT stories. While The Catacombs of Seville takes Major Branwell and Corporal Benton to Spain, The Secret of Foxfell Forest has the more traditional setting of an English manor house and woodland for Captain Turner and CSM Nicholls to explore. And with the Valethske it’s great to have a link to the old BBC Books range.”

Nick tells us more about Superior Beings, the BBC Fifth Doctor book which introduced the Valethske:

‘It was published over two decades ago and is long out of print. I don’t expect anyone to have read it and you certainly don’t need to have read it before reading The Secret of Foxfell Forest. In fact, it’s probably better the less you know about the Valethske. Having said that, there are ‘Easter Eggs’ for anyone who knows Superior Beings. And, as with Superior Beings, there’s a homage to the film Withnail & I. In fact, the exact same homage! All part of the fun!”

Iconic Doctor Who companion revisits character to pen new story

Iconic Doctor Who companion revisits character to pen new story

Tegan Jovanka | Doctor Who | Doctor Who
Janet Fielding as Tegan Jovanka in Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks.

Iconic Doctor Who actress Janet Fielding has revisited her beloved companion Tegan Jovanka to pen a story about the character for the new book Doctor Who: The Adventures Before.

The new release is filled with stories acting as prequels to well-loved episodes, with Fielding making her writing debut with her Arc of Infinity story, titled Little Did She Know.

Fielding, who played Tegan from 1981 to 1985 before returning for 2022’s The Power of the Doctor, wrote her story to fill the gap between Time Flight and Arc of Infinity.
After losing her job as an air hostess, Tegan flies back to Australia to repair her relationship with her family – and chaos ensues.

The story sees the return of the Mara and a new alien race, which Tegan must fight without the Doctor’s help.

“In Tom Baker’s last story, Tegan’s Aunt Vanessa says to her niece, ‘Your father’s farm is hardly the Outback dear’.

“I’ve loved the beauty and drama of Queensland’s sugar cane country ever since I was a kid. So that’s where I put the farm.

“At the end of the next series, Tegan gets left behind on Earth. She has unfinished business with the Mara, a villain that lives inside the mind but can manifest as a snake. There are plenty of dangerous snakes in the sugar cane fields of Queensland.”

Read the extract from Fielding’s story Little Did She Know…

When she kneels beside her father, she can’t feel a pulse, and he doesn’t seem to be breathing. Her air stewardess training kicks in. Ignoring the prickling in her right arm, she rolls her father on to his back, tips his head back, checks his airways are clear and begins chest compressions. If he dies now, before we’ve made peace with each other . . . Tegan can’t bear the thought of it. She tries to keep her mind on the immediate tasks of restarting his heart and his breathin.g

Her father has just eaten, so the danger of him choking on his own vomit is high, and she is thankful for the lights of the approaching water truck. Luke must have seen her because the truck’s engine starts idling. She can hear the urgency in his voice as he talks to Uncle Vince on the two- way radio, asking him to ring for an ambulance.

As well as the chest compressions, Tegan needs to get her father breathing again. When she turns her head to give him a couple of rescue breaths, she gets the most terrible shock. Not three metres away, an Eastern Brown snake is eyeballing her. Tegan freezes. Eastern Browns don’t normally go looking for humans, nor are they usually active at night. The fire must have chased it out of the cane field. Capable of striking multiple times and packing more than enough venom to kill both her and her father, it is responsible for more deaths in Australia than all other snakes combined. It is fast and aggressive when it feels threatened.

As the thought passes through her mind, the snake slithers forward into the pool of light from the water truck’s headlights. The prickling sensation in her arm intensifies. She knows she needs to restart chest compressions immediately if she is going to save her father’s life. However, if she moves at all, the Eastern Brown is likely to interpret it as aggression and strike at both her and her father. Once again, it is as though the snake can read her mind. It rears its head and flattens its neck, signalling it will strike.

She hears a voice inside her head.

‘Did you think I was finished with you?’ Then laughter. She knows that voice. It is the Mara. It has seized the opportunity to create terror by summoning the Eastern Brown and now it is feeding on the anguish the snake is causing her. Her father is dying in front of her, and she can’t move. She is responsible. She brought the Mara here. She doesn’t know what to do and can sense that the creature is drawing strength from her internal conflict.

The adrenaline coursing through her body stretches time. She focuses. She focuses harder than she has ever focused before and talks to the demon inside her head. ‘Kill me, and you kill your bridge to this physical world.’

More laughter. ‘Foolish Tegan. What makes you think you are my only target?’

Her eyes are still locked on to the Eastern Brown; all her senses are on high alert. She registers that the Triantiwontigong, lying to the left of the snake, has begun to glow faintly. She hears the water spraying stop and the clang of metal as her brother climbs down from the vehicle. ‘Uncle Vince is calling the ambulance,’ he says. His voice is close and calm. She doesn’t dare turn her head to look at him and risk causing the snake to strike.

Her right arm is now searingly painful. The air is full of the smell of burning cane. In the periphery of her vision, she sees Luke stomp on the ground, trying to distract the snake. Not Luke. Please not Luke. The thought passes through her head before she can stop it.

As the Eastern Brown turns towards her brother and opens its mouth to strike, the three strange lights reappear. Startled, the Eastern Brown strikes at Luke and then at the glowing Triantiwontigong. Before it can strike again, the snake is hit by three bright orange beams and slithers away at speed.

Tegan barely registers the lights disappearing again. She doesn’t notice until much later that they have taken the Triantiwontigong. She recommences CPR on her father and prays that the interruption has not been too long. Luke lies down on the ground and doesn’t move.

‘Did it get you?’ she asks her brother.

‘I think so.’ They both know the bite of an Eastern Brown is usually painless at first. ‘Guess I’ll know how bad it is soon enough.’

Tegan desperately wants to help her brother, but she can’t interrupt her father’s CPR again. ‘I’ve got to keep . . .’

‘Yeah, I know.’ All Luke can do is try to stay as still as he can. Even the movement involved in taking off his T- shirt and turning it into a compression bandage could increase the circulation of the venom in his body.

Off in the distance, they hear a fire engine.

Doctor Who: The Adventures Before will be released on 3rd October and is available for pre-order now