Doctor Who Series 11: no tears for the Doctor

Doctor Who Series 11: no tears for the Doctor

Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall were interviewed in the The Times.

Whittaker describes an optimistic Doctor, full of wonder:

“I think there are moments of anguish, but I feel that the way I enter into the role is with my eyes open and the lights on. You’re five years old and you’re in a dark cave and the light goes on and you see every colour, texture, shape. How exciting that would be! I wanted it to be like a lightbulb going on when the Doctor is regenerated and comes back, blown away by the beauty of everything and seeing it in things where it isn’t always obvious; and knowing when to be scared, but using that fear to push yourself, not restrict yourself.”

Chris Chibnall concurs:

“Each Doctor needs to have their own journey. I think [Peter Capaldi’s] Doctor came into the world asking, ‘Am I a good man?’ and questioning his self-identity. Jodie’s Doctor is definitely more outward-looking.”

Though Jodie Whittaker cried tears of joy after learning she won the role she stated:

“There are no tears from my Doctor, no. That would be a huge statement.”

While Series 11 will have an ebullient Doctor, there are some things it won’t include, according to Chris Chibnall. No Daleks, Cybermen, River Song, Missy, Paternoster Gang and no romance for the Doctor.

The article also give some insight into one of Jodie Whittaker’s self-taped audition scenes written to gauge her ability to deliver “technobabble”. Whittaker constructed her own props, consisting of a box and some wires, to perform a scene where the Doctor is required to diffuse a bomb. This description resembles the Series 11 promotional photo above released by the BBC.

The Times is available at newsstands and online today.

The first episode of Doctor Who Series 11, The Woman Who Fell to Earth will have its worldwide television premiere on October 7th 2018.

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