John Barrowman has a special deal to help him return to Doctor Who

John Barrowman has a special deal to help him return to Doctor Who

John Barrowman has a special deal to help him return to Doctor Who

It’s beginning to look like there won’t be a revival for Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood any time soon, with star John Barrowman recently telling us that “certain egos” were preventing the series making a comeback.

However, there could still be a chance for Barrowman’s Captain Jack Harkness to return to parent series Doctor Who – and apparently the actor has made a special deal to help make that dream a reality.

When asked if he’d return to the sci-fi series, Barrowman told “The answer is always absolutely. It’s a show and genre that changed my life; I love it dearly and if I’m asked I would do it at the drop of a hat.

“And also my producers here in the US for the show I’m on at the moment, Arrow, they’ve said if that did happen we’d let you do it.”

He added: “I would love to do it, and I do know that there’s a huge fanbase.

“The first question I’m always asked is, ‘When are you coming back to Doctor Who?’ or ‘When is Torchwood coming back?’, ‘Would you get involved?’”

So there you have it – Barrowman’s on board, his US producers will give him all the time off he needs, and there’s a new series of Doctor Who currently filming. Ball’s in your court, BBC…

John Barrowman presents The National Lottery Stars 2016 on BBC1 tonight (Monday 12th September) at 10.45pm

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