SCENES 9-10A: As UNIT welcomes the Doctor and Donna to their new HQ, Donna ensures that her family are protected from the dangers of the Giggle on the outside world.
RUSSELL T DAVIES’ NOTE: “Cut because it spoils that sweeping entrance, to stop and have a chat. And get to Mel faster!”
SCENE 27: Doors, doors and more doors! The Doctor and Donna attempt to negotiate their way through the Toymaker’s infinite and tricksome domain.
RTD NOTE: “Cut for time.”
SCENE 16: Ruby shares her experience as an orphan with the Space Babies before being interrupted by an excitable Doctor on his way to Portal 357.
RTD NOTE: “Cut for time, which is a shame, Millie’s wonderful here.”
SCENES 40/42: “Into the belly of the beast…” The Doctor and Ruby navigate some daunting and increasingly bogey-filled corridors as they approach the Bogeyman’s lair.
RTD NOTE: “Cut to get to the Bogeyman faster.”
SCENE 63: The Doctor and the Bogeyman recover from their airlock encounter, and the Doctor even checks on the Bogeyman’s wellbeing – carefully, of course!
RTD NOTE: “Not needed, though a wide shot of this scene plays on the screens behind Jocelyn.”
SCENE 9A: After witnessing a miserable performance of ‘Three Blind Mice’, the Doctor declares, “Someone has stolen music!”
RTD NOTE: “Felt a bit psychic of the Doctor, how does he know it’s stolen?”
SCENE 23: Maestro, having just popped out of a rooftop piano, uses their cosmic tuning fork to track the location of the retreating Doctor and Ruby.
RTD NOTE: “Cut for time, get on with it!”
SCENE 72: The Doctor and Ruby run back up the rooftop stairwell as music returns to the world.
RTD NOTE: “Cut because this explains what’s about to happen. Just let it happen instead!”
SCENE 74: A montage through some Londoners’ windows as they rediscover music in their hearts.
RTD NOTE: “Nice idea, but not really needed.”
SCENES 3-4: With the Doctor suddenly missing, Ruby waits outside the TARDIS alone, with the mysterious Woman standing nearby…
RTD NOTE: “It’s already a long, slow opening, get on with it!”
SCENES 53-54: The morning after her victory against Roger ap Gwilliam, 40 year-old Ruby runs to her window to find, sadly, that the Woman is still outside.
RTD NOTE: “Much more effective to cut on the earlier scene, as Ruby asks the Woman, ‘Can you leave me alone now?’
SCENES 41-44: An alternative sequence of the moment Harriet Arbinger heralds the return of Sutekh.
RTD NOTE: “All tightened, sharpened and pulled up.”
SCENE 35: The Doctor, Ruby and Mel arrive in 2046. Shortly after they exit the Remembered TARDIS, it fades away; its purpose fulfilled.
RTD NOTE: “We lost this because I didn’t want the Remembered TARDIS to die, I like the thought of it still out there somewhere.”
SCENES 59-63: Ever wondered where the Doctor’s TARDIS-controlling whistle came from? This timey-wimey sequence shows the Doctor programming the TARDIS to respond to the whistle’s pitch, then using a hatch to pass the whistle back to his past self. Bit of a cheat, but as the Doctor says, “We’re fighting a god – we get one trick once!”
RTD NOTE: “This seemed terribly complicated. But watching it again now, it’s great, maybe we shouldn’t have cut it. Though I don’t think anyone wondered where he got his whistle from…?