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Month: May 2021

Season 10 and 18 will be re-issued in The Collection Blu-ray standard packaging

Season 10 and 18 will be re-issued in The Collection Blu-ray standard packaging

Seasons 10 and 18 of Doctor Who: The Collection are the next two Blu-ray titles to be re-issued in standard packaging after Season 12 and 19 on 5th July 2021

Doctor Who - The Collection standard edition season 10 and 18

The Collection offers fans the opportunity to build their own home archive of classic content, and has proved hugely popular with collectors and fans of the TV series. The new standard packaging range is being introduced in response to this success, offering fans a second opportunity to fill gaps in their collection, and enjoy the classic era of Doctor Who.

Releases within the Doctor Who: The Collection Limited Edition Packaging range will continue to offer fans bespoke, premium packaging featuring a beautifully presented box containing the discs and a full-length, premium-printed booklet which includes illustrations and in-depth, behind the scenes insight.

Whilst this new, standard packaging Doctor Who: The Collection range will feature a standard, plastic Blu-ray case inside a slipcase, with a condensed, standard-printed 12-page booklet featuring disc-breakdowns and selected illustrations. The new range will include all of the watchable content and special features included in the original Limited Edition Packaging release.

Doctor Who - The Collection standard edition season 10 and 18

In 1973, Doctor Who celebrated its tenth anniversary with a very special story reuniting the first two Doctors – William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton – with Jon Pertwee’s then-current Doctor.

The Three Doctors kicks off an explosive, colourful series of adventures across all of time and space as the Doctor and Jo Grant (Katy Manning) encounter the rogue Time Lord Omega, the terrifying Drashigs, the noble Draconians, fearsome Ogrons, deadly Daleks and slithering giant maggots.

season 10


Doctor Who - The Collection standard edition season 10 and 18

Starring alongside Tom Baker are Lalla Ward as Romana, Matthew Waterhouse as Adric, Sarah Sutton as Nyssa, Janet Fielding as Tegan, Anthony Ainley as the Master, Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah-Jane Smith and John Leeson as K9.

Over seven classic adventures the Doctor and his companions encountered the Foamasi, Meglos, the Marshmen, vampires and Tharils, building to a final deadly showdown between the Doctor and his arch nemesis the Master.

season 18




The Chronicles series examines the landmark years of Doctor Who’s history in unprecedented detail. 1975 was Tom Baker’s first full year as the Doctor and features a highly regarded run of stories: Robot, The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen, Terror of the Zygons, Planet of Evil, Pyramids of Mars and The Android Invasion. This bookazine includes rare images and all-new features, including a summary of the most significant events in the Doctor Who universe, how Doctor Who was reported in the press, insights into special effects and production techniques, overviews of each serial and more.

Doctor Who: Chronicles – 1975 is on sale from 10 June, RRP just £9.99 from and selected branches of WH Smith. It’s also available digitally from priced £8.99.



Highlights of this issue include:

  • The story behind the discovery of Season 24’s previously unseen footage.
  • An interview with 1980s production secretary Kate Easteal, who shares her memories of producer John Nathan-Turner.
  • Margaret Toley describes her role as secretary to Doctor Who’s story editors in the 1960s and early 70s.
  • An in-depth preview of the new Season 24 Blu-ray box set.
  • Inside the comic-book sequel to the Season 24 story Paradise Towers, with comments from the original story’s writer, Stephen Wyatt.
  • Some of Doctor Who’s key visual effects designers reflect on their time working on the show in the mid-1980s.
  • Collectivity explores the miniature world of Dapol, the company that launched the first range of Doctor Who action figures.
  • A tribute to the late Frank Cox, one of Doctor Who’s first directors.
  • Apocrypha looks back at the 1989 comic strip Who’s That Girl!
  • The Fact of Fiction continues its analysis of 1970’s The Ambassadors of Death.
  • Sufficient Data crunches Doctor Who’s numbers.
  • Previews, reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, Time and Space Visualiser and more.

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 565 is on sale from and WH Smith from Thursday 27 May priced £5.99 (UK). Also available as a digital edition from priced £4.99.

A mega Tenth Doctor, a wicked Second Doctor plus more…

A mega Tenth Doctor, a wicked Second Doctor plus more…

Get a first look at a mega statuette of the Tenth Doctor, plus new figurines to add to your figurine collection from Hero Collector.


Doctor Who Hero Collector May 2021 Reveals

Standing over 12” tall, this hand-painted statuette captures the iconic likeness of the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed by David Tennant.

The Tenth Doctor was a charismatic adventurer whose easygoing attitude concealed a terrifying temper. He’s portrayed here fiddling with his Sonic Screwdriver, clad in his striped suit, trainers, and the tan overcoat that billowed behind him whenever he ran – which happened a great deal…

What hides in a Pandorica?

Doctor Who Hero Collector May 2021 Reveals

Abandoned beneath Stonehenge, this Cyberman was stationed as a guard for the ultimate prison – the Pandorica. By the time the Eleventh Doctor stumbled upon it, the cyborg’s organic components had decayed into skeletal remains, leaving it in need of replacements… and Amy Pond seemed like the perfect donor.

The ground around Stonehenge was littered with the metal remains of Cyberman guards, destroyed by the local humans – this final guard was ultimately destroyed at the hands (and gladius) of Rory Williams, resurrected as an Auton and a Roman Legionary.

An evil Doctor Lookalike!

Doctor Who Hero Collector May 2021 Reveals

A brilliant scientist, respected politician, and wealthy philanthropist, Salamander was widely loved for his work alleviating world hunger in the distant future of the year 2018. In truth, Salamander was a scheming, murderous mastermind bent on world domination… with an uncanny resemblance to the Second Doctor.

Played by Patrick Troughton in the same episode as the Second Doctor, Salamander even attempted to trick the Doctor’s companions into taking off with him in the TARDIS. (Images will be revealed soon)

You will be able to order all of these Doctor Who figurines soon from Hero Collector

Roy Scammell: 1932-2021

Roy Scammell: 1932-2021

May be an image of 2 people, people standing, outdoors and text that says "THE ALBAN ARENA TAKEAWAY 1"

Roy Scammell, Doctor Who stunt performer and fight arranger, has died at the impressive age of 88.  He worked on a number of Doctor Who stories namely:

As an actor:

The Ambassadors of Death – (Technician) / Inferno – (RSF sentry)

As a stunt arranger:

Paradise Towers (uncredited) / Delta and the Bannermen

Uncredited roles:

The Ambassadors of Death – (UNIT Soldier), (Motorcyclist), (Peterson), (Stunt double for Liz Shaw) / Inferno – (RSF Soldier and stunt double for Wyatt)

Terror of the Autons – (Stuntman/Radio Telescope Technician) / The Mind of Evil – (UNIT Motorcyclist/Prison Officer)

He was a prolific performer and arranger in the industry, even being ejected from the spaceship at the end of ‘Alien“.

The beloved K9 Annual returns on audio

The beloved K9 Annual returns on audio

Everyone’s favourite mutt-shaped automaton discovers that both outer space and 1980s Earth can be fraught with danger in these colourful tales from the pages of K9 Annual and Doctor Who Annual.

Prepare to say “Affirmative” and join K9 on some audio adventures!

Doctor Who: The K9 Audio Annual

Following their exploits in K9 & Company, Sarah Jane and K9 embark on a watery mission in The Monster of Loch Crag. In Powerstone there’s something extraordinary in the cellar of Aunt Lavinia’s house, and then K9 is the centre of attention at a Midsummer Night’s ceremony in Hound of Hell. Later, Sarah finds that the thrills of a blockbuster movie set are all too real in The Shroud of Azaroth.

K9’s travels in the TARDIS are also covered in this collection: when the Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive at an intergalactic conference they must avert The Voton Terror. Later they’re ensnared by the Light Fantastic on Planet UX80, and when the Doctor visits an old friend they encounter some very Reluctant Warriors.

John Leeson, Bonnie Langford, Dan Starkey and Geoffrey Beevers read these nostalgic and much-loved adventures. “Affirmative!”

The K9 portrait is by Alister Pearson, with image remastering by David Lavelle.

You can pre-order Doctor Who: The K9 Audio Annual on CD from Amazon and download on Audible ahead of its release in November.




Fang Rock Hardback 2

Candy Jar Books is pleased to announce a very special book for 2021, the hardback illustrated edition of Beast of Fang Rock by Andy Frankham-Allen.

Inspired by the illustrated Doctor Who Target books from the early 1970s, combined with the popularity of the recent Lethbridge-Stewart Colouring Book, Candy Jar asked Martin Baines to undertake this task.

Head of Publishing at Candy Jar, Shaun Russell, says:

Beast of Fang Rock has always been one our most popular novels and like Mutually Assured Domination and Times Squared we always planned to reissue it. While I was working on Kklak!: The Doctor Who Art of Chris Achilléos last year I revisited many old Target books, and was struck by the captivating artwork seen in titles such as Doctor Who and The Cave-Monsters. I thought it would be nice to replicate this. I had recently worked with Martin Baines on 100 Objects of Dr Who and thought he would be ideal for the task.”

Almost forty-five years after that last Target book Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders was issued with illustrations, Martin welcomed the opportunity to illustrate Beast of Fang Rock. He says:

“Shaun wanted me to read the book and choose my own sequences to illustrate. In my opinion the TV version of Horror of Fang Rock is a tightly written atmospheric story, but due to television budgets it’s not as visually interesting as it could have been. I wanted to evoke a similar kind of atmosphere as the brilliant Ridley Scott TV series, The Terror.”

Andy Frankham-Allen was also pleased to revisiting Beast of Fang Rock. He says:

“It’s been great to return the book over five years later, as there were a few things I wanted to fix. I especially took the chance to get rid of the god-awful prologue (which I’ve hated since the book was released), and tidied up a few others things that never quite worked for me. Martin has created some wonderful illustrations of some of his favourite scenes, which really elevates the book even more. Coupled with his splendid cover, I can’t wait to see what the fans make of it.”

Martin drew his inspiration for the cover on 1960s iconography. He continues:

“I wanted to evoke look of an old Hammer Horror movie poster and particularly enjoyed redesigning the Rutan with this in mind. I hope fans embrace my take on this classic monster as much as I enjoyed drawing it.”

Horror of Fang Rock has always been a favourite with the fans,” says Louise Jameson in her reprinted foreword to Beast of Fang Rock. “Part of the ‘recipe’ for a frightening yarn is to create something claustrophobic. And that feeling of climbing the stairs at night taps in to almost everyone’s personal childhood terror.”

Beast of Fang Rock: The Illustrated Edition comes with a free postcard, as well as a brand new Lucy Wilson Mysteries book, The Keeper of Fang Rock written by Andy Frankham-Allen.

Andy continues:

“I’ve written bits of Lucy Wilson before, even started writing one, but time got away with me and Tim Gambrell finished it for me. So, when Shaun and I discussed the companion book to Beast of Fang Rock, we both latched on the idea of doing a sequel with Lucy. The basic idea was simple enough; Lucy goes to Fang Rock and gets caught up in an adventure with a ghost. What’s been really great about this one, is that usually I’m writing about the past (with the LS books it normally the 1970s), but with this one I got to write a story set in the (almost) present. (In this case 2019.) Which meant I could deal with some modern issues and bring in some real diversity. And, of course, Lucy is a great window into today’s world, being so young and receptive to the ever-changing culture we currently live in.”

Blurb for Beast of Fang Rock:

“There’s always death on the rock when the Beast’s about.”

Fang Rock has always had a bad reputation. Since 1955 the lighthouse has been out of commission, shut down because of fire that gutted the entire tower. But now, finally updated and fully renovated, the island and lighthouse is once again about to be brought back into service.

Students have gathered on Fang Rock to celebrate the opening of the ‘most haunted lighthouse of the British Isles’, but they get more than they bargained for when the ghosts of long-dead men return, accompanied by a falling star.

Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart is brought in to investigate what he believes to be signs of alien involvement. But it is not only Lethbridge-Stewart who has an interest in Fang Rock. Anne Travers is called to her family solicitor’s, who have in their possession a letter from Archibald Goff, the paranormal investigator who once visited Fang Rock back in the 1820s, and along with it a piece of alien technology.

What connects a shooting star, ghosts of men killed in 1902 and the beast that roamed Fang Rock in 1823? Lethbridge-Stewart and Anne Travers are about to discover the answer first hand…

Keeper of Fang rock (2)

Blurb for The Keeper of Fang Rock:

Lucy is taken to Fang Rock by her cousin, Kat. The location of one of her grandad’s greatest adventures. Only the adventure isn’t over yet. It looks like Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart might have left something behind… 

Please visit to order the book.


John Barrowman video removed from Doctor Who theatre show

John Barrowman video removed from Doctor Who theatre show

John Barrowman
John Barrowman played Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who

A video featuring John Barrowman is to be removed from an immersive Doctor Who theatre show following allegations about the actor’s past conduct.

He is accused of repeatedly exposing himself while filming the BBC show.

Mr Barrowman was to have been seen as his Captain Jack Harkness character in a pre-recorded video to be shown during the Doctor Who: Time Fracture show.

Mr Barrowman has previously apologised for his behaviour but has not responded to the show’s decision to drop him.

In a message on its website, the show’s producers said it had “taken the decision to remove this pre-record”.

Mr Barrowman was introduced as Captain Jack in a 2005 episode of Doctor Who and went on to play the character in spin-off show Torchwood.

The popular character made a return appearance in Revolution of the Daleks, this year’s Doctor Who New Year’s Day special.

Mr Barrowman’s conduct has come under scrutiny in recent days in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations made against his former co-star Noel Clarke.

Mr Barrowman’s behaviour was reportedly viewed as “inappropriate pranks” and not intended to be or regarded as sexual in nature.

A video of Mr Clarke at a 2015 sci-fi convention joking about Mr Barrowman habitually exposing his genitals resurfaced and went viral earlier this month.

Mr Barrowman apologised in 2008 for exposing his genitals during a live BBC Radio 1 broadcast. At the time he said he “was joining in the light-hearted and fun banter” and had gone “too far”.

In a new statement given to The Guardian this month, he said his “high-spirited behaviour” was “only ever intended in good humour to entertain colleagues on set and backstage”.

“With the benefit of hindsight, I understand that upset may have been caused by my exuberant behaviour and I have apologised for this previously,” he continued.

“Since my apology in November 2008, my understanding and behaviour have also changed.”

Mr Barrowman was to have been seen alongside fellow Doctor Who cast member David Bradley in videos to be shown during Doctor Who: Time Fracture.

The producers of the theatre production had previously released a video in which Mr Barrowman discussed the popularity of Doctor Who and his character.

In their statement, the producers said they would “continue to include content that pays tribute to this brilliant show that is Torchwood so as not to disappoint its fans.”

The interactive production, which has cast of more than 40 live performers, is scheduled to begin performances at a venue in central London on 26 May.

Earlier this week ITV declined to confirm if Mr Barrowman would continue as a judge on Dancing On Ice, saying decisions about the next series’ line-up had yet to be made.



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The National Space Centre will be hosting a FREE online weekend of talks, Q&A sessions, workshops and fun fan and family science fiction experiences.

Join us for a celebration of Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, Sapphire and Steel, Thunderbirds, The Prisoner, The Tomorrow People and many other iconic science fiction films, tv programmes, books, comics, games and art.

Friday is our learning day, with sessions for schools, children, families and fans. This kicks off into a weekend of guest Q&A sessions (get your questions in now to beat the crowds), workshops and social sessions with many of the fantastic groups who have supported our events at the Centre.

Our guests and hosts are all giving their time freely to support the event, however, there will be opportunities to purchase autographs and merchandise throughout.

Guests and Attractions

Joanna Lumley

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Joanna found fame in 1969 when she became a Bond Girl in the 007 film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, going on to become the strong female lead, Purdey, in The New Avengers, among many other roles she made her own. More recently Joanna has been wowing audiences with her hilarious interpretation of the lush fashion director Patsy Stone in the classic comedy series Absolutely Fabulous.

Alex Kingston

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A multi-award winning actress, Alex is famous for her title role in the British miniseries The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders and her regular role as Dr. Elizabeth Corday in the NBC medical drama ER. More recently we have enjoyed watching her as Mrs. Bennet in the ITV1 period-drama fantasy Lost in Austen and Dinah Lance in The CW’s superhero fiction drama series Arrow.

Paul McGann

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Paul came to prominence for portraying Percy Toplis in the television serial The Monocled Mutineer, then starred in the dark comedy Withnail and I, which was a critical success and developed a cult following. We know him for portraying the eighth incarnation of the Doctor in the 1996 Doctor Who television film.

David Bradley

Initially David played Solomon in the Doctor Who episode “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”. He returned as William Hartnell, the actor who played the First Doctor, in An Adventure in Space and Time, reprising the role in 2017, appearing as the First Doctor in “The Doctor Falls” and “Twice Upon a Time”. Since January 2018, he has starred in the audio stories released by Big Finish Productions entitled The First Doctor Adventures.

Colin Baker

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Colin’s association with Doctor Who began in 1983 when he played Commander Maxil, a Gallifreyan guard who shoots the fifth Doctor, playing opposite Peter Davison in “Arc Of Infinity”. Colin made a big impression and was cast as the sixth BBC Doctor Who in 1983, seeing him battle Cybermen, Daleks, Sontarans, Sil and even Kate O’Mara. It was to be a role that would make Colin’s face recognisable all over the world.

Sylvester McCoy

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Best known for playing the seventh incarnation of the Doctor, becoming the final Doctor of the original run, he briefly returned in television film in 1996, to hand over the reigns to Paul McGann. He is also known for his work as Radagast in The Hobbit, as well as returning to play the Seventh Doctor in a series of audio plays by Big Finish Productions.

Dan Starkey

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Dan made numerous appearances in Doctor Who, portraying a number of different Sontaran characters, most notably Strax, who has come across the Eleventh and Twelfth incarnations of the Doctor, played by Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi respectively. He reprised the role in the one-off 50th anniversary comedy homage The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

Sophie Aldred

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Sophie played the Seventh Doctor’s companion, Ace, becoming the final companion of the series’ first run. She can also be heard as the voices of many of our most iconic animated characters, including Dennis the Menace, Tree Fu Tom and Muck in Bob the Builder. In 2020 she released the novel Doctor Who: At Childhood’s End.

Daphne Ashbrook

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Best known by UK audiences for playing Grace Holloway in Doctor Who: The Movie, Daphne joined Paul McGann as his time travelling companion. Sci-fi fans may also recognise her as “Melora”, from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Nicola Bryant

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Nicola is known for her roles as Peri Brown, from 1984 to 1986, first with Peter Davison, and then with Colin Baker as the Doctor. However, she has also worked with Patrick Troughton the Doctor Who serial The Two Doctors, and Colin Baker, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy and Jon Pertwee on The Stranger for BBV.

Mark Powers

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Mark Powers is the author of the Spy Toys and Space Detectives books for Bloomsbury. He sold his first comedy material to Radio 4 when he was 17. Spy Toys was a winner of the Fantastic Book Awards in 2018. Mark will be joining us to talk about character creation and world building when writing Science Fiction for both kids and adults.

Avenue Who

Muppets and Doctor Who collide in new adventures from Avenue Who. We will be joined by the creator of Avenue Who, as well as a few very special surprise visitors for our Saturday night BrtiSciFi chat show. Come along to find out more about the show, ask questions and meet a Doctor… or two!

Yee Jee Tso

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Best known to Doctor Who fans as Chang Lee in the Doctor Who movie, YJ has continued his Doctor Who journey thanks to Big Finish Audio, where he has played the part of Doctor Goddard in the webcast Real Time, and the parts of Major Jal Brant and the role of Warrant Officer Charlie Sato in audio stories.

Team Blake

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Team Blake are a group of fellow B7 fans and friends who get together to bring Blake’s 7 to life through their own events and in support of others.

They have hosted social events, location visits, amazing costume and prop displays and very popular charity events.
Working to run events created by fans for fans, they have raised money for good causes and honoured the cast and crew of Blake’s 7.

Mike Holloway

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Mike was the drummer and percussionist in Flintlock and at the same time stared in the cult TV series The Tomorrow People. Flintlock appeared on programmes such as Blue Peter, Magpie and Top of the Pops, and their own programme Fanfare. He was awarded the TV Times Personality of the Year award in 1976.

Nicholas Young

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Nicholas portrayed John in The Tomorrow People and was the only member of the cast to stay for the full six years of the series. When the show was reprised in 2013, he was invited to play the part of Prof, Aldus Crick. While working on The Tomorrow People he featured in Space: 1999″ as Peter Rockwell, and, in the same year, played alongside Jon Pertwee (the 3rd incarnation of Doctor Who) in the film Adventures of a Private Eye.

Peter Vaughan Clarke

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Peter is best known for his portrayal of Stephen Jameson in The Tomorrow People in the 1970s, a character he returned to later in life in the audio continuation of the series by Big Finish Productions. He has also appeared in the 1975 British film It Could Happen to You, along with his Tomorrow People co-star Nicholas Young.

The Gamelab

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The Gamelab team run mobile escape rooms and virtual escape experiences (check out their Apollo 13 online experience, filmed exclusively at the National Space Centre).

As part of BritSciFi the Game Lab will be offering a FREE online escape room adventure entitled “Adventures in Time and Space Centre”. There is even a prize (an Annual Pass to the National Space Centre) for the fastest team to complete the challenge during the Festival weekend.


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Nestled between the Dwyryd esturary and the majestic Snowdonia mountains, Portmeirion Village is a wonder to behold. Portmeirion Village provided the backdrop for the 1960’s cult classic series, The Prisoner, probably one of the most influential pieces of television of the 1960’s, starring Patrick McGoohan (even The Beatles were fans).

Thanks to Portmeirion’s Location Manager, Meurig Jones, BritSciFi audiences will be able to enjoy an exclusive video tour of The Village and filming spots of The Prisoner.

Big Finish Productions

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Since 1996, Big Finish has been producing high-quality audio drama on CD, with hundreds of productions to choose from. The majority of Big Finish’s audio plays are based on popular TV series such as Doctor Who, Dark Shadows, Stargate, The Avengers and Blake’s 7, with many of the original actors. As part of the BritSciFi weekend Big Finish will be giving viewers an end-to-end oversight into a Big Finish audio. Meet the writers, script editors, producers, sound designers and musicians to see just how much work goes into hours of entertainment, excitement and intrigue.

The 15th UK Cyber Legion

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The 15th UK Cyber Legion is a non-profit Doctor Who fan costuming group, who have attended many events including exhibitions, SciFi cons and even the Doctor Who BBC Staff party at BBC Broadcasting House in London. They help support charities and have brought happiness to fans throughout the UK.

Join the 15th Cyber Legion online as they have a cuppa and a chat with the 2nd, 3rd, 10th and 13th Doctors, as part of the BritSciFi festival.

Project Dalek and The Sons of Skaro


If you have ever considered building a Dalek, Project Dalek is the place to go to find plans, information, support and everything else you may need. The Sons of Skaro is an awesome group of fan-built Daleks who attend events throughout the country (including their own) raising money for charity and EXTERMINATING!!!

Both groups will be hosting a very popular ‘Audience with the Daleks’ online as part of the BritSciFi weekend. The 2nd and 3rd Doctors will take on these ultimate Time War foe (there may be cake!)

Chris Thompson

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Chris  is a freelance creative based in Belfast, who hit viral fame with his impressive stained glass Dalek work of art. He has work across variety of projects and amassed a wide range of skills, working with brands such as Anderson Entertainments, Big Finish, Eaglemoss and Haynes Publishing.

Chris will be joining us twice over the BritSciFi weekend to show you ‘how to illustrate a 3D Tardis’, and a behind the scenes of concept designs session.

Fantom Publishing

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Fantom is a small media company based in the West Midlands publishing Horror, Fantasy and Classic Audio Books, Non-Fiction Limited Edition Books, as well as organising regular Doctor Who events. Fantom Publishing has a long history of producing and releasing high quality audio titles. These consist of a mixture of full length readings, abridged classics, and full cast dramas. With a whole spectrum of genres, from horror to romance, autobiographical to science fiction

As part of BritSciFi the team at Fantom will be hosting an exclusive “Who Talk” session.

Penguin Random House Audio/2000 AD

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Five new dramatic audio adaptions of the best-selling 2000 AD graphic novels have been produced by the award-winning Penguin Studios. Working closely with authors and editors at 2000 AD, all 300 characters in the graphics novels have been voiced by over 40 narrators, alongside mesmerising sound effects and original music.  All titles available via Audible, Apple Books and Google Play.

We will be hosting a Q&A with Senior Producer Chris Thompson about adapting the scripts, sound design and rise of Sci-Fi audio as part of the BritSciFi festival, so get your questions in for Chris now on our Facebook event page.

Lee Sullivan

Lee trained as a wildlife and technical illustrator, then spent five years as a graphic artist for British Aerospace. In 1988 he started working for the comics industry including Transformers, Doctor Who, 2000AD, Eaglemoss, TV21, Titan and Marvel. He produced character and background illustrations for the BBC’s online Doctor Who webcasts, as well as working on the graphic novels for Ben Aaronovitch’s series of Rivers of London novels.

Lee worked with his comic book artist hero and friend Mike Noble on three projects featuring Gerry Anderson’s Zero X and Captain Scarlet. These were a career highlight for Lee, who will be joining us for a Q&A as part of the BritSciFi festival.

River Song meets Melody Malone, a new Twelfth Doctor audio adventure and more!

River Song meets Melody Malone, a new Twelfth Doctor audio adventure and more!

From new adventures to classic lost stories revived on audio, there’s something for every ear coming up! Here’s a look at what’s available to buy on CD and download from BBC Audio in May and June.


Doctor Who BBC Audio May June 2021

Alex Kingston reads her brand-new novel featuring River Song and Melody Malone, from the worlds of Doctor Who.

1939, New York. Private Eye, Melody Malone, is hired to find a stolen ruby, the Eye of Horus. The ruby might hold the secret to the location of Cleopatra’s tomb – but everyone who comes into contact with it dies. Can Melody escape the ruby’s curse?

1939, New York. River Song, author of the Melody Malone Mysteries, is forced to find a reality-altering weapon, the Eye of Horus – but everyone who comes into contact with it dies. River doesn’t believe in curses – but is she wrong?

From the top-security confines of Stormcage to the barbarism of first-century Egypt, River battles to find the Eye of Horus before its powers are used to transform the universe. To succeed, she must team up with a most unlikely ally – her own fictional alter ego, Melody. And together they must solve another mystery: Is fiction changing into fact – or is fact changing into fiction?

The audio version of the new novel The Ruby’s Curse is available from Amazon on CD and Audible on download

The Ruby's Curse

Doctor Who BBC Audio May June 2021

Louise Jameson reads this novelisation of a classic TV adventure for the Fourth Doctor, Leela and K9.

The TARDIS materialises on a spaceship at the edge of the known universe, and the Doctor, Leela and K9 encounter a group of astronauts searching for the lost gene bank of the Minyan race.

The craft plunges into the heart of a recently formed planet, wherein the Doctor discovers an awesome secret: the descendants of a previous Minyan expedition have become enslaved to a powerul computer!

A dangerous quest leads to a confrontation with the Oracle, at the heart of a fabled crashed spaceship, the P7E.

Louise Jameson, who played Leela in the BBC TV series, reads Terrance Dicks’s novelisation of a 1978 serial by Bob Baker & Dave Martin.

The audio novelization of Doctor Who and the Underworld is available from Amazon on CD and Audible on download


Doctor Who BBC Audio May June 2021

Six narrated TV soundtrack adventures starring Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor – plus bonus features.

These thrilling recordings of TV episodes, largely absent from the BBC archives, have been remastered with additional linking narration by original cast members. This set also includes bonus interviews with Wendy Padbury and Frazer Hines.

In The Enemy of the World, recently returned to the film archives, the time travellers meet the Doctor’s murderous double. In The Web of Fear the Doctor and friends find the London Underground tunnels overrun by Yeti! In Fury from the Deep something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea.

In The Wheel in Space the Doctor and Jamie confront some old adversaries in the far future. In The Invasion the Doctor battles to prevent the Cybermen from invading present day Earth. And in The Space Pirates the TARDIS crew encounter the Interstellar Space Corps and a gang of murderous bandits.

The Collection Doctor Who: The Lost TV Episodes Collection Five is available from Amazon on CD and Audible on download

The Lost Episodes 5


Doctor Who BBC Audio May June 2021

The Twelfth Doctor and Nardole feature in an imaginative original story read by Dan Starkey

“Time: the present. Place: Smalltown, USA. A town like any other. A sleepy world of white picket fences, front porch gliders and freshly-mown lawns, a Pontiac or Chevrolet in every driveway.

“But the streets are empty, with not a sound to be heard, and no-one to hear it if there was. Because this town is merely an empty stage, waiting for its players to take their parts. They’re due to make their entrance any moment now, strangers in a strange land, somewhere in that timeless space known only as The Nightmare Realm.”

It’s into this strange world of shifting sands that the TARDIS propels the Doctor and Nardole, who think they’re in 1950s suburbia until an apparent nuclear attack takes them into far darker territory, with a series of terrifying consequences…

Dan Starkey, who played the Sontaran Strax in the TV series, reads this unsettling original story by Jonathan Morris.

The original audio story The Nightmare Realm will be available from Amazon on CD and Audible on download

Nightmare Realm

Doctor Who BBC Audio May June 2021

Geoffrey Beevers reads this action-packed novelisation of a classic TV adventure for the Fifth Doctor.

When the Doctor returns to Gallifrey, he learns that his bio data extract has been stolen from the Time Lords’ master computer, known as the Matrix.

The extract is a detailed description of the Doctor’s molecular structure which, in the wrong hands, could be exploited with disastrous effect.

The Gallifreyan High Council believe that anti-matter will be infiltrated into the Universe as a result of the theft. To avoid this, they decide the Doctor must die. But an old enemy is waiting in the wings…

Geoffrey Beevers, who played the Master in the BBC series, reads Terrance Dicks’s complete and unabridged novelisation of a 1983 TV serial by Johnny Byrne.

The audio novelization of Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity is available from Amazon on CD and Audible on download.

Arc of Infinity

Coming in July 2021

Doctor Who: Meglos (Fourth Doctor Novelisation)

Doctor Who: The Second Master Collection (Third, Fifth & Seventh Doctor Novelisations)

Coming in August 2021

Doctor Who: Bessie Come Home (Beyond the Doctor)

Doctor Who: The Wheel in Space (Second Doctor Novelisation)