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Month: May 2020




Thirty-two First Doctor stories battled for the top spot in our epic Twitter contest. Which is the fans’ favourite?

Issue 552 also includes:

  • Series 11 writers Pete McTighe, Vinay Patel and Joy Wilkinson interview each other.
  • Mark Gatiss answers questions from the TARDIS tin.
  • Time and Space Visualiser presents a rare William Hartnell interview, conducted during rehearsals for The Sensorites in 1964.
  • 50 brilliant things about Doctor Who – not including Doctor Who!
  • A tribute to Doctor Who writer Pip Baker.
  • A previously unpublished interview with Pip and Jane Baker.
  • The Fact of Fiction explores Parts Nine to Twelve of 1986’s The Trial of a Time Lord.
  • More of DWM’s recommended lockdown viewing, with a guide to stories available on DVD and streaming services.
  • A look at Race Against Time, a game book in the 1986 Make Your Own Adventure with Doctor Who series.
  • A review of The Maze of Doom, the latest Doctor Who book by David Solomons.
  • The final part of The Piggybackers, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends.
  • Big Finish previews and reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, The Blogs of Doom and much more!

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 552 is on sale from Thursday 28 May 2020 £5.99 (UK)




We’re taking a trip the year 5 billion for a DOUBLE-BILL of adventures on New Earth on Saturday 30 May! 7pm NEW EARTH 8pm GRIDLOCK Live tweets from @russelldavies63

PLUS a special new SEQUEL written by Russell! There’s a secret that must be told… Hashtag: #NewNewYork

Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN LONG SONG | Rings of Akhaten | The Long Song (Fan Cover)

Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN LONG SONG | Rings of Akhaten | The Long Song (Fan Cover)

Cover Notes are by Borna Matosic.

The Long Song from Rings of Akhaten covered by Borna Matosic and the Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN choir with 300+ fans from all around the world!

May 2020 is Doctor Who month on this channel! I promised you a trilogy and after the previous weeks’ Doctor Who Theme and Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box), this is the long awaited finale: The Long Song!

For this special project, I teamed up with Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN producer Emily Cook. Together we invited Doctor Who fans worldwide to sing in our online choir and become a part of a massive fan cover of Murray Gold’s The Long Song, the soundtrack from the Series 7 episode Rings of Akhaten.

300+ fans joined in and their isolated voices from all around the world came together in harmony! Featured on lead vocals is the amazing Jana Marie Gropp! You’ve already heard her before as the soprano at the end of my Shepherd’s Boy cover. Also, after our The Shepherd’s Boy and Doomsday collaborations, the brilliant Sarah Bergé returns once more as the solo violinist for The Long Song! If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to like and subscribe and to share it across all of space and time.

Thanks for watching and see you next time!

THE RINGS OF AKHATEN! #FestivalOfOfferings

THE RINGS OF AKHATEN! #FestivalOfOfferings


Emily Cook of DWM has confirmed that the next watch-along will be the series seven story “The Rings Of Akhaten“.  You can join musical supremo Murray Gold, director Farren Blackburn and Millennium FX’s Kate Walshe.

Join in with all the fun plus the fan cover of Long Song, by pressing play from 7.00pm (BST) TONIGHT, Tuesday 26th May 2020.

Revamped Doctor Who audio ranges from Big Finish

Revamped Doctor Who audio ranges from Big Finish

Revamped Doctor Who audio ranges from Big Finish

For more than two decades, Big Finish has been producing brand new Doctor Who audio adventures starring the actors who originated the role on TV; Tom BakerPeter DavisonColin BakerSylvester McCoyPaul McGannDavid Tennant and John Hurt.

In recent years, many new ranges have been introduced to the release schedule, incorporating all of the Doctors’ eras from 1963 to 2017. As the company looks to the future, a revised schedule will see a number of new range additions.

Senior Producer David Richardson said:

“There are so many exciting new directions ahead. Where did the First Doctor and Dodo go next after leaving the planet of The Savages? What happened to the Second Doctor after The War Games? What new adventures await the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith? What happened on the Seventh Doctor’s Last Day? The adventures are only just beginning…”

The original Big Finish audio drama range – now called the Monthly Adventures – represents a continuous, unbroken run of new Doctor Who audio adventures, one every month, since 1999. This range, of late featuring adventures for the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, will end with release number 275. Thereafter, there will be a regular rotation of releases, with each Doctor starring in their own box sets of adventures throughout the year.

Big Finish chairman and executive producer, Jason Haigh-Ellery said:

“One comment we hear more often from new listeners is that they find it hard to know where to begin with our back catalogue of Doctor Who adventures. This change to our release schedule will make it easier for people to start. With a range for each Doctor, there will be a natural ‘stepping on point’ for fans.”

Creative director and executive producer, Nicholas Briggs, added:

“As well as making our ranges much less confusing for Big Finish beginners, these changes will allow us more exciting new possibilities and creative freedom.

“By freeing the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors from the constrictions of the Monthly Adventures schedule, and giving them their own distinct ranges, we will be able to introduce more surprising cast combinations, different story lengths, and more story arcs.”

Big Finish listeners keen to complete their collection of Monthly Adventures should read the following:

  • Any existing subscribers who find themselves unable to purchase #274 or #275 via a combination of the 12/6/3-release options should contact, who will be able to process their orders offline.
The Fourth and Tenth Doctors will meet in new audio drama!

The Fourth and Tenth Doctors will meet in new audio drama!

Doctor Who Out of Time audio drama

Due for release in August 2020, the first volume of Doctor Who: Out of Time sees the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) team up to outwit the Daleks.

The Cathedral of Contemplation is an enigma, existing outside time. It turns through history, opening its doors across the universe to offer solace to those in need.

Occasionally, the Doctor drops in – when he’s avoiding his destiny, it’s an ideal place to get some perspective. Only, he’s already there several lives earlier, so when dimension barriers break down, his past and present collide.

And when the Daleks invade and commandeer the Cathedral, two Doctors must unite to stop them – or face extermination twice over!

Of being a boyhood Doctor Who fan, actor David Tennant said:

“Tom Baker was obviously the first Doctor that I knew. I was small when he took over and I grew up through the seven years that he was the Doctor. I was a massive fan. I met him in John Menzies in Glasgow and he signed my book. I had a doll of him. All that. Tom Baker was very much the Doctor. There is something about the way he is associated with the character that seems utterly timeless.”

Producer David Richardson added:

“As fans we’re fascinated by the idea of different incarnations of the Doctor meeting, and Out of Time celebrates that. It’s a series where pairs of Doctors come together to battle a familiar enemy – and we begin with Tom Baker and David Tennant battling Daleks together. How brilliant is that? And there’s lots of exciting combinations yet to come.”

The audio drama Doctor Who: Out of Time is available to pre-order now here, before its release in August 2020.



An Adventure in Space and Time | Christian Entertainment ...

Emily Cook of Doctor Who Magazine has announced that the next watch along will be the wonderful docu-drama “An Adventure In Space And Time“. Joining Emily will be writer Mark Gatiss and actor Sacha Dhawan.

Press play at 19.00 (BST) on Saturday 23rd May 2020 with the hashtag #London1963

Six new Doctor Who figurine sets coming soon!

Six new Doctor Who figurine sets coming soon!

Doctor Who Character Options

Character Options has announced six upcoming sets of Doctor Who products, going on sale from June 2020.

These action figures will be available from B&M stores in the UK from June 2020, and from Amazon and the BBC Shop in the US.

Doctor Who Character Options June releases

Friends and Foes of the Thirteenth Doctor set

Doctor Who Character Options

These are the first figures of the Thirteenth Doctor’s friends Yasmin Khan, as seen in Arachnids in the UK, and Ryan Sinclair as seen in the story Rosa. The set also features a Judoon Trooper, one of the ruthless intergalactic security enforcers seen in the story Fugitive of the Judoon.

Second Doctor and TARDIS Set

Doctor Who Character Options

This Second Doctor and TARDIS has detailing from the last episode of 1969’s ten-part epic The War Games, the final story of Season Six. The set comprises the Second Doctor with ripped trouser knee details and bedraggled appearance. The TARDIS comes in dark blue with iconic Second Doctor square top lamp, standard opening doors, ‘POLICE BOX’ signage and the newer low-profile base.

The Daleks Collector Set

Doctor Who Character Options

This twin Dalek set features the Daleks as seen fully in The Daleks, the second story of the very first season of Doctor Who in 1963. When seen in the early days of black and white television these Daleks were utterly alien in look and virtually identical in their livery of silver, mid grey and blue hemispheres. To identify each prop the casings had parallel black lines etched on, numbering them one to four. This has been replicated as accurately as possible in this new set. Inside is also specially created inserts as part of the heritage Doctor Who brand packaging.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth Collector Set

Doctor Who Character Options

This set features the Daleks as seen in the story, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, from 1964. These revised Daleks were taller and more imposing with deep bases and revised colour schemes. This stunning new set represents a silver eyed ‘Drone’ Dalek, the black ‘Saucer Command’ Dale and includes specially created inserts as part of the heritage Doctor Who brand packaging.

Companions of the Fourth Doctor

Doctor Who Character Options

This set features a new figure of Sarah Jane Smith and two figures of the Time Lady Romana. This set includes Sarah Jane Smith as seen in 1975’s Genesis of the Daleks and Revenge of the Cybermen, and Romana as seen in 1978’s The Pirate Planet and 1979’s Destiny of the Daleks.

1971 U.N.I.T The Claws of Axos Set

Doctor Who Character Options

The Claws of Axos Set brings together the Third Doctor’s core U.N.I.T team of Brigadier Lethbridge Stuart, Captain Mike Yates and Sergeant John Benton. This set based on the Season 8 1971 story has the Brigadier wearing his less formal uniform with U.N.I.T beret, and Benton and Yates sporting their combat fatigues and webbing.

Al Dewar, Character Options’ Creative Director, said:

“This will be the first time in almost a decade where there will be parallel launches of the same product in the UK and the USA. Hopefully this new wave of toys will contain a few surprises for everyone. As always, the Character team has tried very hard to bring something new to delight, and hopefully exceed the expectations of fans and collectors alike. This time we are bringing even more to the table with six new products!”

These action figures will be available from B&M stores in the UK from June 2020, and from Amazon and the BBC Shop in the US.

The ultimate Doctor Who monster guide is coming soon!

The ultimate Doctor Who monster guide is coming soon!

Doctor Who - The Monster Vault

Doctor Who’s biggest and most comprehensive monster guide yet, The Monster Vault takes you on the ultimate tour of the Whoniverse, discovering and cataloguing every wonderful and terrifying creature the Doctor has ever encountered.

From the notorious Daleks to evil Stenza warrior Tzim-Sha and the ancient Thijarians, The Monster Vault features in-depth profiles on each monster, showing the Doctor’s most dangerous enemies in their natural habitat and unveiling their secret histories.

You will also discover how monsters were created and designed, through exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews, anecdotes, case studies and unseen artwork!

The book is written by Jonathan Morris and Penny CS Andrews, edited by Paul Lang and illustrated by Lee Johnson and Ben Morris.

This lavish and visually stunning book provides an unrivalled wealth of information, allowing you to explore the rich history of Doctor Who and expand your knowledge and understanding of characters, old and new.

You can pre-order The Monster Vault now, before its release in October.

Doctor Who: The Monster Vault

Listen #FearIsASuperpower

Listen #FearIsASuperpower


TONIGHT – why not join writer Steven Moffat , and Douglas Mackinnon (Director) for a watch-along with the series 8 story “Listen”.  Join in all the fun by pressing play from 19.00 (BST)