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Month: September 2019

‘Doctor Who: The Edge of Time’ Special Event

‘Doctor Who: The Edge of Time’ Special Event

Technology company HTC and BBC Studios are putting together a special two-day event for Doctor Who fans at Protein Studios in East London next week. Visitors will see a full-size TARDIS on display outside the venue, while inside they can use HTC’s newly released VR headset, the VIVE Cosmos, to play a new game based on the show called Doctor Who: The Edge of Time.

Attendees can book free 30-minute slots to play Doctor Who: The Edge of Time, produced by Maze Theory for BBC Studios. Each 30-minute slot will include a 15-minute ‘experience’, allowing players the chance to take up the role of the Doctor’s companion. This will see them step into the TARDIS, interact with the Doctor as fly away on an adventure to solve the mystery behind the ‘Reality Virus’.

The event takes place on Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28. Three attendees can take part at any one time, with a demonstration booth given over to each. Players must be aged 12+.

Tickets to the event are sold out – but if you don’t have tickets, you can still come see the full-size TARDIS and ask if they can squeeze you in. Slots are held for ticket holders five minutes after their booked start time, after which time they will be re-allocated.

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time was scheduled to be released this month. However with six days remaining in the month of September, there is no word yet as to when the game will actually be available.

Tardis send-off for man who ran Blackpool’s Doctor Who exhibition

Tardis send-off for man who ran Blackpool’s Doctor Who exhibition

David Boyle pictured at his Dr Who Exhibition on Blackpool Promenade in 2004.'David has died aged 71
David Boyle pictured at his Dr Who Exhibition on Blackpool Promenade in 2004.’David has died aged 71

The man who used to run Blackpool’s famous Doctor Who exhibition on the Prom has died.

David Boyle, 71, was one of the Fylde coast’s well known characters, regularly seen at club days in his copy of Jon Pertwee’s Doctor Who car Bessie.

David Boyle and Julie Whitfield front pictured with John and Pauline Field, at Wrea Green Field Day
David Boyle and Julie Whitfield front pictured with John and Pauline Field, at Wrea Green Field Day

The fan of the BBC science fiction classic who ran the exhibitions in Blackpool from 2004 to 2009 and Llangollen from 1994 to 2003, and dedicated UFO researcher died at Blackpool Victoria Hospital from septicaemia.

He will be transported to his funeral in a TARDIS-shaped coffin.

David’s most recent exhibition was the Blackpool Alien, UFO, Spiritual And Paranormal Exhibition in the former Village Market on the corner of Dale Street and Foxhall Road, near Central Pier.

But he was also the founder of the model railways company Dapol which also made toys such as Doctor Who play sets modelled on characters from the series.

The exhibition on Central Promenade
The exhibition on Central Promenade

Lytham-resident David had suffered a stroke two years ago and was cared for by his partner Julie Whitfield.

Julie said:

“We almost lost him in August 2017, but were so grateful we got those extra two years.

“The exhibitions and model railways were his passion. We had a huge railway layout in the back bedroom and his grand children loved playing with it.

“Most people will remember him for the Blackpool exhibition next to the Sea Life building.

“It was like a Tardis in there (looking bigger on the inside than outside) and went all the way back to Bonny Street.

“He had many costumes and props from the Doctor Who series. He was most proud of the Time Lord outfit.

“People will remember him driving the yellow Doctor Who car Bessie at club days.

“He loved Doctor Who. In August we took him to Preston Comicon where he got to meet the actor Colin Baker.

“Colin remembered him from the Dapol toys days.

“David was in his wheelchair at the time but you could see by his face his was absolutely thrilled.”

Julie said that David’s health deteriorated rapidly with the septicaemia infection and he died in her arms on August 17.

The funeral service will be held at St Cuthbert’s Church in Church Road Lytham, on Friday at 1.45pm with David being carried there in a Tardis-shaped coffin by horse and carriage from his home.

He leaves daughter Heather, son Craig and grandsons Adam and Dylan.

Items from the closed Doctor Who attraction went to other exhibitions around the UK.



Candy Jar Books is proud to announce more details about the first novel in its seventh series of Lethbridge-Stewart novels.

The first novel in the Bloodlines sequence of novels is Home Fires Burn by first-time novelist Gareth Madgwick. He has previously written two short stories for the Lethbridge-Stewart range, The Great Magician and the Spirits of the Vasty Deep in The HAVOC Files 4 collection, and Inheritance in the Lineage anthology.

Home Fires Burn is set in 1943 and sees the return of Section Officer Eileen Le Croissette, based on real-life war hero Eileen Younghusband, on her first mission for the Home-Army Fourth Operational Corps, once again alongside Professor Edward Travers, the ever-popular character from the Doctor Who serials The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear. It also features the return of the Brigadier’s uncle, Matthew Lethbridge-Stewart and the Quarks, last seen in the Lethbridge-Stewart novel, Mutually Assured Domination!

Range Editor Andy Frankham-Allen said:

“As with The Laughing Gnome sequence of novels, I came up with an arc in which to tell some non-chronological stories. Shaun and I wanted to highlight some of popular secondary characters, so I looked at which characters would make for a good mix. And, to add to the mix, which monsters had not used independently before. In this instance, the Quarks (baring some comics in the 1960s) always tend to appear alongside their masters the Dominators, so I thought it would be interesting to utilise them without the Dominators. And bearing in mind this first book is set in 1943, that presented the author with another challenge. How to use them without the Dominators, and in a time period long before they ever came to Earth. One other element I wanted to include, just so we had at least one Lethbridge-Stewart in the book, was to bring back the Brig’s uncle, Matthew, a character Gareth handled so well in his previous short story. I’m happy to say Gareth produced a great story that brings all these elements together, as well as honours the great men and women who served our nation during World War II.”

Author Gareth Madgwick said:

“I was thrilled when Andy asked me to write my first full length novel, and even more excited when I found out that I would be writing for Edward Travers, Eileen Le Croissette and the Fourth Operational Corps during the war. After all, an eccentric scientist, a confident young woman and a not completely trustworthy military are what the big old Doctor Who universe is all about if, like me, you started with the Pertwee repeats in the ‘90s. The story really began to come together best after Andy asked me to avoid anything that wasn’t really known in contemporary literature and science of 1943. That led me down the path of some of the wonderful genre fiction that predated the 1950s, when we think science fiction started. A lot of that has influenced the book in its feel. It’s been a blast writing it. Although a massive step up from the two short stories that I’d written for Candy Jar previously, it was a natural progression. I felt that I was combining the character work of Inheritance with the historical research that I did for The Great Magician (although I have to say, Sheffield’s libraries have rather a better selection of Second World War material than information on Owain Glyndwr for some reason).”

The cover is by returning artist Richard Young, whose previous cover art includes The Flaming Soldier, A Very Private Haunting, and Scary Monsters. Richard said:

“I’ve wanted to tackle the Quarks for a long time and knowing that the book is set in Sheffield during the Second World War, I felt that they should have an authentic wartime look. Added to this, I wanted to feature a different picture of Eileen. After a bit of research, Shaun found a wonderful photograph. I just hope people like what I have done.”

About the cover, Gareth adds:

“The beautiful cover has really captured the feel of the book.”

Home Fires Burn is released to tie-in with the 80th Anniversary of World War II. Shaun Russell, Head of Publishing at Candy Jar Books, explains a little of Eileen’s role in the war:

“With eightieth anniversary of the start of the war, we felt that we really wanted to acknowledge the contribution the greatest generation made to all our lives. In 1941 Eileen signed the official secrets act, and wasn’t able to talk about her work in the top secret Filter Room. In 2017 she was featured in The Flaming Soldier and we’ve had so many requests to bring her back. So, here she is launching the new series of books, and this time round her contribution to this story will have major affect on Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart’s life.”

Gareth Madgwick said:

“The Second World War is an era that has always fascinated me, including the bravery and steadfastness of those like Eileen Le Croissette (later Candy Jar author Eileen Younghusband). Setting it in the beautiful Peak District and also the nearby Sheffield steelworks gave me an opportunity to look into areas of the war effort that aren’t always explored elsewhere, and the sacrifices made.”


  1. Britain’s Home Front is feeling the pain of war.

The Fourth Operational Corps has other things to worry about. A downed plane in the High Peak leads Professor Travers to a village full of buried secrets and a family that are far more than they seem.

Her first assignment sees new recruit Eileen Le Croissette infiltrating a Sheffield Steelworks. Buried within is a weapon that could change the course of the war, but what does the secretive Mr Huxtable have to do with it?

Avoiding his domineering father, Matthew Lethbridge-Stewart is also on the case. But he wasn’t banking on meeting a group of homicidal little robots…

The pieces are being set for another conflict, one that started a long way away, to erupt in the middle of wartime Britain.

Home Fires Burn is due out in the next couple of weeks, and can be pre-ordered now either on its own or as part of the Bloodlines bundle.


Panopticon is back!

Panopticon is back!

Image result for panopticon events

Our good friend and Panopticon superemo Mr Andrew Beech has very kindly put us in the picture on the status on the new Panopticon events and their place within fandom.

The DWAS subsidiary company ‘DSL’ (Dominitemporal Services Limited), which ran PanoptiCon from 1988 onwards (and of which I was managing director), became independent of DWAS in 1993 and ran all subsequent events wholly separately – albeit continuing to support the DWAS by providing a platform for them at the event.

Some time after the PanoptiCon ‘hiatus’ became apparent (a couple of years after 2003) the DWAS created another company (“Space Rocket”) to run its own events, and it is that company which has been organising the ‘Tony Jordan-led’ Capitol events.

One of the reasons for the ‘Panopticon’ hiatus was my increasing workload for BBC Worldwide (now BBC Studios) – whose staff I joined shortly after PanoptiCon 2003. There was simply too much potential for significant conflicts of interest, and I considered it better at that time to support/work on the BBC’s own activities and events. Recent changes/developments (not least my ‘retirement’ from my BBC staff position – albeit I still work for them freelance) led me to contact the old Panopticon team and, with them (and some newer recruits) to re-enter the frame.

So the ‘new’ Panopticons are NOT associated with the DWAS, but ARE run by the original (1988-2003) team.

Ed – We will of course keep you fully up to date on all developments and future Panopticon events (the first of these is Panopticon Lite, see link) as we get them, and thank you very much to Andrew Beech for getting in touch.

Rose Tyler returns, the Twelfth Doctor starts a podcast and more!

Rose Tyler returns, the Twelfth Doctor starts a podcast and more!

The Sixth Doctor and Peri meet Houdini!

The world is at war, and Harry Houdini wants to fight for his adoptive country. He might get the chance when an old friend crashes his New York show… but no one is as they seem in this latest adventure!

Order Harry Houdini’s War from Big Finish

The Fifth Doctor meets his hero… Cicero!

63BC. When the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan arrive at Cicero’s villa, new dangers lie in wait and Cicero, the famed orator, finds himself plunged into a realm of gods and monsters… and a new companion awaits the TARDIS Team!

Order Tartarus from Big Finish

Four new adventures from the First Doctor’s era are here!

Some of the First Doctor’s original companions reprise their roles, in four new adventures featuring Susan, Vicki, Steven, Ben and Polly. These stories all play on issues of morality, heroes and how things are never what they seem when travelling with the Doctor…

Order Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor Volume 3 from Big Finish

Rose Tyler traverses dimensions to find the Doctor…

Rose Tyler’s world is ending. As she begins a desperate mission to find the one person who can make a difference, Rose discovers that it’s not only her universe at stake. Across alternate dimensions in parallel timelines – where divergences may be tiny or cataclysmic – every Earth is under threat. Time is running out, but Rose won’t stop searching until she finds the Doctor…

Order Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon from Big Finish

Bernice Summerfield is back with her assistant, the Doctor!

Four new female writers have written four new adventures for the Doctor’s longest running companion. This time, Bernice and a Doctor from a parallel universe are back in our universe, finding new adventures and worlds to save.

Order The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Volume 5 – Buried Memories from Big Finish

Toshiko must bury a Torchwood co-worker…

Sebastian Vaughan is the brightest, newest recruit to Torchwood. He’s come from a very good family, an excellent school, and with a degree from the finest college. He’s the kind of person bred for Torchwood. But Sebastian Vaughan is dead. Toshiko Sato’s been given permission to bring his body home to give him the send-off he deserves. How will Torchwood cope without him?

Order Torchwood: The Vigil from Big Finish

The Twelfth Doctor starts his own podcast

Like everyone else in 2019, the Doctor is doing a podcast. Named the ‘People of St Lukes’, the podcast is about the everyday lives of students at the university. Only, with the Doctor involved, the everyday is dangerous and extraordinary. With Jacob Dudman portraying the Twelfth Doctor.

Order Short Trip: Dead Media from Big Finish

Four adventures for the Torchwood One team!

Torchwood One continue to save the world – and most importantly, the Empire – from alien threats; Ianto is caught in a Bond caper; a cleaner called Dave is the only person who can save London; and we meet someone even more commanding than Yvonne Hartman: her mother!

Order Torchwood One: Latter Days – Volume 3 from Big Finish


All titles are initially available exclusively from the Big Finish website in September. Check back here next month for a roundup of their October releases!




A new perspective on Doctor Who’s longest-serving producer, featuring previously unseen images from his own scrapbooks!

Highlights of this issue include:

  • Former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel describes working with John Nathan-Turner.
  • Sophie Aldred explains how JNT changed her life.
  • Stephen Cranford on what it was like to know JNT as a friend.
  • Writer Philip Martin and actor Nabil Shaban reveal Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor.
  • Composer Richard Hartley on recreating his score for 1986’s ‘Mindwarp’.
  • An investigation into the deepest mysteries of regeneration.
  • Your at-a-glance guide to Doctor Who’s post-regeneration stories.
  • An interview with the creators of the new VR game The Edge of Time.
  • The Fact of Fiction explores the 2017 story Knock Knock.
  • DWM’s verdict on Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 23.
  • Part One of Mistress of Chaos, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends.
  • The Blogs of Doom, audio reviews, previews, news, prize-winning competitions and much, much more!

On sale from Thursday 19 September 2019 £5.99 (UK)

Step into the Doctor’s TARDIS with the new VIVE Cosmos

Step into the Doctor’s TARDIS with the new VIVE Cosmos

HTC is celebrating the launch of the VIVE Cosmos, its latest premium PC-based Virtual Reality (VR) system, and has teamed up with BBC Studios to offer Doctor Who fans the chance to embark on an adventure with the Doctor by stepping into the legendary TARDIS (spoiler: it’s bigger on the inside)

On Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September, visitors to the Protein Studios experience in Hackney will be fully immersed in the sci-fi world of Doctor Who through the riveting new VR experience ‘Doctor Who: The Edge of Time’.

Attendees will be amongst the first to try ‘Doctor Who: The Edge of Time’ , produced by Maze Theory for BBC Studios, and have the chance to take up the role of the Doctor’s assistant. After stepping into the TARDIS, players will interact with the Doctor themselves and will try to pilot the spacecraft – which is temperamental at the best of times – before embarking on an epic adventure to solve the mystery behind the ‘Reality Virus’.

During the event, visitors will use HTC’s newly released VR headset, the VIVE Cosmos, which is built to be the highest performance and most versatile headset on the market.

Each 30 minute slot will include a 15 minute experience. Please arrive 15 minutes before your slot, slots will be held 5 minutes after the start time, after which time they will be re-allocated.

Please note: Players must be aged 12+ and you may book from here!

Jacob Dudman plays the Twelfth Doctor in new audio drama boxset

Jacob Dudman plays the Twelfth Doctor in new audio drama boxset

The Doctor Chronicles range brings the new series era Doctor Who to life on audio, utilising the amazing talents of actor and impressionist, Jacob Dudman. From David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor to Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor, we’ve marvelled at these exciting new adventures building on the ideas of Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat. And now we head to Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor.

There will be four stories in the first box set of The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles, set for release in February next year.

1.1. The Charge of the Night Brigade by David Llewellyn

The Doctor finds himself in the Crimean War in 1855. There’s a strange sickness stalking the streets of Balaklava and it’s up to the Doctor and Mary Seacole to put a stop to it.

1.2 War Wounds by Mark Wright

When Danny Pink finds the TARDIS door open in a Coal Hill storeroom, he can’t help wondering about Clara’s double life and the truth about the Doctor. But he gets much more than he bargained for. Stuck amid an alien war, can Danny and the Doctor stop arguing long enough to make it out alive?

1.3 Distant Voices by Lizbeth Myles

Cameron is haunted by strange voices. As she gets on with her job conducting tours around Rochester Castle, she hopes that they’ll just go away. Fortunately for Cameron, the Doctor has joined her tour. He hears the voices too, and he knows what they mean. Time itself is starting to fracture…

1.4 Field Trip by Una McCormack

Osgood gets an offer she can’t resist when the Doctor drops in – her first flight in the TARDIS! The Doctor is calling on Osgood’s expertise to stop an invasion, but what begins as a fact-finding mission quickly becomes something far more dangerous. Osgood’s intergalactic field trip is about to get very hands-on!

Ingrid Oliver returns as Osgood, Mandi Symonds plays Mary Secole and Emily Redpath plays Cameron. Plus, this boxset sees the return of Samuel Anderson playing Danny Pink.

This new set of The Doctor Chronicles has been produced by Alfie Shaw. Alfie tells us:

“I am a huge fan of the Twelfth Doctor and a chance to create some audio adventures for him is utterly thrilling. I continue to marvel at the seemingly endless talent of Jacob Dudman and am overjoyed to get the chance to work with him on a box set. We’ve got four fabulous stories from amazing writers and the Doctor will be joined by some familiar faces along the way. As to who they might be and what they’ll get up to, well, that’s for another day…!”

This isn’t the first time that Jacob Dudman has taken on the mantle of the Twelfth Doctor – you can also hear his uncanny portrayal in Doctor Who – Short Trips: Dead Media from September.

Doctor Who – The Doctor Chronicles: The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles will be released in February 2020 and is available for pre-order now from the Big Finish website.

Freema Agyeman returns to the Doctor Who universe

Freema Agyeman returns to the Doctor Who universe

Freema Agyeman returns to the Doctor Who universe

Tenth Doctor companion Martha Jones returns to the world of Torchwood in January next year. Freema Agyeman (Doctor WhoSense 8Law & Order UK) starred in series 3 of New Doctor Who and its spin-off show, Torchwood, before going on to a huge career.

Big Finish Productions is delighted that Freema is reprising her role in this new Torchwood story, which explores what Martha did after her adventures with the Doctor.

Gwen Cooper turns up on Martha Jones’s doorstep with a dead body in tow. She needs to ask one final favour of her. And to find out why they stopped being friends.

A lot’s happened to Torchwood since Martha left. A lot’s happened to Martha since she left Torchwood. And there’s something very odd about the dead body Gwen’s brought with her. Tonight she’s going to be getting more answers than she bargained for.

“Aw mate, the nostalgia has been quite overwhelming,” says Freema on returning to the character of Martha Jones. “It really is like stepping into comfortable old shoes. It feels like about five minutes ago and yet so much time has passed. That’s the wonderful thing about the Whoniverse – you never feel on the outside of it. It’s great to be back.”

“I first met Freema back in 2006 working on Doctor Who Confidential,” says director Scott Handcock. “I watched Martha Jones arrive and grow, and it’s a pleasure to welcome her back to the world of Torchwood. It’s something we’ve been chatting about for years, and to finally make it happen with the amazing Eve Myles (who adores her and vice versa) is a real treat!”

Writer Tim Foley told us more about uniting two of science fiction’s most courageous female leads: “Martha Jones is back! And I’ve locked her in a room with Gwen! It’s such a delight to pit these two against each other. This is quite an experimental story – you’ll be listening to an autopsy in real time, which was such a fun challenge. Luckily for me Eve and Freema spar off each other marvellously, stuck in a lab with nothing but a corpse for company…”

Torchwood: Dissected starring Freema Agyeman and Eve Myles, will be released in February 2020 priced at £7.99 on download or £9.99 on CD. Don’t forget all CD purchases unlock a download option via the Big Finish app and the Big Finish website.

You can buy and/or pre-order the Torchwood monthly range individually, or why not save money with a Torchwood bundle. A six-release bundle is £50 on CD or £45 on download, or you can save even more money by ordering twelve Torchwood releases at £90 on CD or £84 on download.

This release contains adult material and may not be suitable for younger listeners.