Titan Comics and Humble Bundle have teamed up to bring you Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II; a new bundle of Doctor Who digital comics from Titan including a Humble exclusive First Doctor comic plus volumes of stories featuring the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelveth, and more. You’ll also be able to decorate your virtual TARDIS with exclusive Thirteenth Doctor wallpapers.
It’s the perfect way to familiarize yourself with some of the Doctor’s previous incarnations and get lost in some extraordinary adventures in the run up to the launch of the Thirteenth Doctor!
What is Humble Bundle?
Humble Bundle offers collections of videogames, books, and comics at a price determined by the customer. Content is divided into tiers: pay $1 USD (about £0.76) or more to purchase the first tier, $8 USD (about £6.07) to purchase the first and second tiers and so on. A portion of each Humble Bundle sale goes to charity. Over $129 million has been donated to charities around the world since the company’s launch in 2010.
When purchasing the Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II, as well as downloading an incredible Doctor Who comics library to your chosen digital device, you can choose how much of the price you pay for the Bundle will be donated to BBC Children in Need (charity number 802052 in England & Wales and SC039557 in Scotland) which currently supports over 2,400 projects to help disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.
What’s on offer?
The Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II contains 24 volumes of comics, with appearances from the Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, plus Captain Jack and the Torchwood team.
TIER 1: Pay $1 or more to get the following:
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 1 – Weapons of Past Destruction
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 1 – Revolutions of Terror
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 2 – The Weeping Angels of Mons
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 1 – After Life
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2 – Serve You
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 1 – Terrorformer
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 2 – Fractures
TIER 2: Pay $8 or more to get TIER 1 and the following:
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor – A Matter of Life and Death
Doctor Who: The Third Doctor – Heralds of Destruction
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 2 – Doctormania
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Omnibus 1
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus 1
Doctor Who: 2015 Event – Four Doctors
TIER 3: Pay $15 or more to get TIER 1, 2 and the following:
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor – Gaze of the Medusa
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 3 – Fountains of Forever
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3 – Conversion
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 3 – Hyperion
Torchwood Volume 1 – World Without End
TIER 4: Pay $20 or more to get TIER 1, 2, 3 and the following:
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Omnibus 2
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus 2
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 4 – The Endless Song
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 4 – The Then and the Now
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 4 – The School of Death
Exclusive Content
Buy all four tiers and you’ll not only receive 24 unmissable volumes, you’ll also get the unreleased Doctor Who: The First Doctor comic and a Thirteenth Doctor wallpaper!
Writers include
Nick Abadzis (Laika), Cavan Scott (Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space, Vikings), Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, Nikolai Dante), Al Ewing (2000AD, The Ultimates), Paul Cornell (The Severed Streets, Wolverine), George Mann (Dark Souls, Warhammer 40K), Gordon Rennie (2000AD, Dishonored), John Barrowman, Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy), Emma Beeby (Judge Dredd)
Artists include
Elena Casagrande (The X-Files, Vigilante), Simon Fraser (Judge Dredd, Nikolai Dante), Boo Cook (Elephantmen, 2000AD), Blair Shedd (Ghostbusters), Emma Vieceli (Jem and Holograms, Young Avengers), Cris Bolson (The Shadow), Rachael Stott (Planet of the Apes/Star Trek, Ghostbusters International)
The Doctor Who Humble Comic Bundle will be available for purchase from 26th September, 2018 at 11am PST to 10th October, 2018 at 11am PST. Visit Humble Bundle to find out more and purchase.