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Month: September 2018

Doctor Who shares first-look clip for series 11 opener ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

Doctor Who shares first-look clip for series 11 opener ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

If you’ve watched all the trailers for the newest series of Doctor Who so much that the tapes have gone wobbly (half our audience just felt all warm and nostalgic, half just went blank), then we’ve got the thing for you.

The BBC has been kind enough to upload a clip from the first episode of series 11, ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’, so let’s dive right in.

In the short minute-long clip, we see new Doctor Jodie Whittaker suffering from the usual Time Lord post-regeneration weirdness, unaware that she is now a blonde-haired Northern lass and not a white-haired Scottish man with angry eyebrows.

We also get to see two of the new companions, Yasmin and Ryan, in action. Okay, walking down an abandoned(?) train isn’t really action, but you just know that danger can’t be far away.

Not only does the new series feature the first female incarnation of the beloved character, but it will be the first time since the 2005 revival that new episodes will premiere on a Sunday rather than a Saturday.

That’s a good thing, by the way.

Doctor Who: ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’ airs on Sunday, October 7 at 6.45pm on BBC One.

Save on Doctor Who digital comics and support Children In Need with Humble Bundle

Save on Doctor Who digital comics and support Children In Need with Humble Bundle

Titan Comics and Humble Bundle have teamed up to bring you Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II; a new bundle of Doctor Who digital comics from Titan including a Humble exclusive First Doctor comic plus volumes of stories featuring the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelveth, and more. You’ll also be able to decorate your virtual TARDIS with exclusive Thirteenth Doctor wallpapers.

It’s the perfect way to familiarize yourself with some of the Doctor’s previous incarnations and get lost in some extraordinary adventures in the run up to the launch of the Thirteenth Doctor!

What is Humble Bundle?

Humble Bundle offers collections of videogames, books, and comics at a price determined by the customer. Content is divided into tiers: pay $1 USD (about £0.76) or more to purchase the first tier, $8 USD (about £6.07) to purchase the first and second tiers and so on. A portion of each Humble Bundle sale goes to charity. Over $129 million has been donated to charities around the world since the company’s launch in 2010.

When purchasing the Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II, as well as downloading an incredible Doctor Who comics library to your chosen digital device, you can choose how much of the price you pay for the Bundle will be donated to BBC Children in Need (charity number 802052 in England & Wales and SC039557 in Scotland) which currently supports over 2,400 projects to help disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

What’s on offer?

The Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle II contains 24 volumes of comics, with appearances from the Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, plus Captain Jack and the Torchwood team.

TIER 1: Pay $1 or more to get the following:

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 1 – Weapons of Past Destruction
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 1 – Revolutions of Terror
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 2 – The Weeping Angels of Mons
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 1 – After Life
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2 – Serve You
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 1 – Terrorformer
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 2 – Fractures

TIER 2: Pay $8 or more to get TIER 1 and the following:

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor – A Matter of Life and Death
Doctor Who: The Third Doctor – Heralds of Destruction
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 2 – Doctormania
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Omnibus 1
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus 1
Doctor Who: 2015 Event – Four Doctors

TIER 3: Pay $15 or more to get TIER 1, 2 and the following:

Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor – Gaze of the Medusa
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 3 – Fountains of Forever
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3 – Conversion
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 3 – Hyperion
Torchwood Volume 1 – World Without End

TIER 4: Pay $20 or more to get TIER 1, 2, 3 and the following:

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Omnibus 2
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus 2
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 4 – The Endless Song
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 4 – The Then and the Now
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 4 – The School of Death

Exclusive Content

Buy all four tiers and you’ll not only receive 24 unmissable volumes, you’ll also get the unreleased Doctor Who: The First Doctor comic and a Thirteenth Doctor wallpaper!

Writers include

Nick Abadzis (Laika), Cavan Scott (Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space, Vikings), Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, Nikolai Dante), Al Ewing (2000AD, The Ultimates), Paul Cornell (The Severed Streets, Wolverine), George Mann (Dark Souls, Warhammer 40K), Gordon Rennie (2000AD, Dishonored), John Barrowman, Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy), Emma Beeby (Judge Dredd)

Artists include

Elena Casagrande (The X-Files, Vigilante), Simon Fraser (Judge Dredd, Nikolai Dante), Boo Cook (Elephantmen, 2000AD), Blair Shedd (Ghostbusters), Emma Vieceli (Jem and Holograms, Young Avengers), Cris Bolson (The Shadow), Rachael Stott (Planet of the Apes/Star Trek, Ghostbusters International)

The Doctor Who Humble Comic Bundle will be available for purchase from 26th September, 2018 at 11am PST to 10th October, 2018 at 11am PST. Visit Humble Bundle to find out more and purchase.

BBC investigation into Doctor Who leak allegedly complete

BBC investigation into Doctor Who leak allegedly complete

A tweet from BBC entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba indicates the the investigation into the leak of the 53-second unfinished clip and two stills from the first episode of Doctor Who Series 11, The Woman Who Fell to Earth is complete.

It would seem that the person responsible for the theft of the leaked materials was identified. There is no word on whether the person will be prosecuted though Mzimba’s tweet seems to imply this is unlikely.

Here is the timeline of the history of the leak and subsequent investigation:

Approximately one week before the clip and the photos were widely leaked, a small number of individuals on an online platform, Discord, which is often used by gaming communities, had seen and discussed the short scene. The clip was also said to have turned up on Reddit.

On Monday, June 25, the leaked materials found their way into wider distribution on social media. This is when BBC Studios became aware of the leak.

On July 2, BBC News reported that a law firm representing BBC Studios filed a subpoena for information held by Tapatalk, an application which allows access to Internet forums on mobile devices, in an attempt to trace the leak.

On August 3, the same law firm filed a subpoena for information held by Microsoft OneDrive, for identifying information on a specific user who had uploaded a file onto their platform.

On August 16, yet another subpoena was issued to obtain personal information held by Twitter on two of its users, including address, internet protocol location, and date of birth.

Sources say both persons behind the Twitter accounts, once made aware of the subpoena via a news source, contacted BBC representatives and met with them to give them information in person.

It is known that a third person, known to the two owners of the Twitter accounts, who was likely pivotal in providing crucial information to BBC Studios to complete their investigation.

There is no word yet on the investigation into the leak of a photo of the TARDIS interior surreptitiously taken on set.

Jodie Whittaker performed her own stunts in ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

Jodie Whittaker performed her own stunts in ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

During the panel after the press launch of the premiere episode of Doctor Who Series 11, The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Jodie Whittaker revealed that she performed all her own stunts for the episode:

“In episode one, that’s all me. I’m really proud of that. There are a couple of moments [during filming of the series] where it was not deemed appropriate that I chucked myself out of somewhere. And I think that we have a really amazing stunt coordinator and my stunt double Belinda is amazing and so there are moments [during filming of the series] where it needed a professional but, in this, it didn’t need a professional and needed someone who is daft enough to [perform the stunt] and absolutely bricked it! So you are going to see of lot of ‒ In the ‒ It was just like that three days in. So, this is like four o’clock in the morning, week one and I was trying to be very cool in front of all the crew so I was like, ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll do it, I’ll do it. (Ahhh!)’ And actually, it was amazing and the wonderful thing about the Doctor is that it’s all about self-belief in so many ways that you don’t have these outlandish, otherworldly skills, physically. You have a body like anyone else and it can and can’t do certain things. That kind of faith to just leap ‒ it was very euphoric.”

Details about what the stunt entailed are embargoed until the television premiere but it’s very clear the Doctor is a brave hero and a Time Lord, but doesn’t have comic book-style superpowers.

It’s also clear that Jodie Whittaker is an intrepid actress willing to take a giant leap for the sake of the new series.

The Woman Who Fell to Earth premieres on BBC One Sunday, October 7, at 6:45 p.m. and will enjoy a corresponding simulcast in participating countries.



Candy Jar Books is pleased to announce a brand-new short story collection, its second Lethbridge-Stewart Short Story Competition, and a reprint of The HAVOC Files 2.

The HAVOC Files: Loose Ends is an collection of short stories written by range editor, Andy Frankham-Allen.

Andy explains the origin of the anthology: “Once it became clear we were bringing our ongoing narrative to a close in the beginning of 2018, Shaun and I discussed what to do with the dangling plot threads, and character arcs that never got fully resolved. And answer some questions the readers don’t even know they have! We decided the best way to address some of the key moments was to release a collection of short stories. And The HAVOC Files: Loose Ends is the result!”

The anthology will feature stories focusing on various regular characters seen through the original sixteen-book run of Lethbridge-Stewart, including such popular characters as Bill Bishop, Harold Chorley, Owain Lethbridge-Stewart, Dylan Lethbridge-Stewart, Rhys Rubery, Samson Ware and, of course, the lead characters Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart and Anne Travers.

The HAVOC Files: Loose Ends will be, initially, only available in limited edition and is up for pre-order now. Candy Jar is also reprinting a short-run of The HAVOC Files 2.

Please visit for The HAVOC Files: Loose Ends 

Please visit for The HAVOC Files 2

Following the success of the first Lethbridge-Stewart Short Story Competition, Candy Jar is having a second round with another competition. As with the first one, it will be open to previously unpublished writers, although this time it will be open to those both in and outside the UK.

Head of Publishing, Shaun Russell, says: “We had a great response when we announced the Short Story Collection and because of its success I am very excited to be doing it all over again. This time we want to give other characters a chance in the spotlight. What about Anne, Bill, or even newly created characters from our Lethbridge-Stewart spin-off, The Lucy Wilson Mysteries? With this collection we are giving fans the chance to really explore, and I can’t wait to see what response we get!”

Andy adds: “This time Shaun and I will be running the competition, casting our expert eyes over the entries. And as the stories will exist outside of the canon of our ranges, we encourage all contenders to embrace their creativity and take our characters into entirely unexpected areas. As long as they are true to the characters depicted in our ranges, you can put them into almost any situation. The only true limit is the imagination!”

The winning entry will receive a Kindle Fire and Lethbridge-Stewart or The Lucy Wilson Mysteries publishing deal. All shortlisted entries will be published in The Lethbridge-Stewart Short Story Collection Vol 2.

The winner of the first short story competition was announced earlier this year as Sean Alexander from Holyhead, north Wales with his story, Boys Don’t Cry. Following the competition, Sean is now working with Andy Frankham-Allen on a new Lethbridge-Stewart novel for the 2019/2020 range.

With the opportunity to secure a publishing deal through entering the brand-new writing competition, and a much wider scope for creativity, this is an exciting opportunity for any writer or fan of the Lethbridge-Stewart world.

The entry fee is £5. Visit 

Please include:

Your name, age, email, address and telephone number.

Submissions can be entered from Monday 24 September 2018 to the end of November 2018.

Submission guidelines for the Lethbridge-Stewart South Wales Short Story Competition:

  • Maximum of 3000 words.
  • This competition is open to anybody who has never been published before, whether you’re a fan of Doctor Who and Lethbridge-Stewart or not. We’re looking for stories that utilise any character from the Lethbridge-Stewart and The Lucy Wilson Mysteries range of books (list of Lethbridge-Stewart characters here.  It is not necessary to fit within the timeline; these stories are out of the canon of the series, so feel free to let your imagination run wild!
  • A selection of free short stories will be sent to any applicant on request, should you need to see our characters in action.
  • Our license is with the Haisman Literary Estate only, therefore you CAN use any character from the Doctor Who serials The Abominable Snowmen, The Web of Fear and The Dominators, or any original character found Candy Jar Books’ Lethbridge-Stewart and The Lucy Wilson Mysteries series (except characters from Doctor Who that appeared in the ranges under express permission).
  • You can NOT use any other Doctor Who characters or monsters.
  • You can NOT use UNIT or any associated characters.
  • Any entries that feature a Doctor Who character not owned by the Haisman Literary Estate will be instantly disqualified, with no refund.


Image result for DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 530

DWM meets Jodie on the set of the new series: “I don’t ever forget what I’m a part of because Doctor Who’s been around much longer than I have. But every part of this experience is to make it my own.”

Also in this issue…


The latest update from Doctor Who’s showrunner.


Meet the team responsible for bringing the new series to our screens.


He’s best known for his sitcom appearances, but Matt Berry is reinterpreting the Doctor Who theme for his new record.


Secrets of the TARDIS control room revealed!


A meticulous recreation of the torn coat worn by the Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors in Twice Upon a Time and The Woman Who Fell to Earth.


An interview with Christian Erickson, whose new concept album is inspired by The Caves of Androzani.


The Twelfth Doctor’s final DWM strip adventure comes to a shattering conclusion.


The Time Team watches four very different episodes in an effort to discover what the First Doctor was really like.


In-depth analysis of the 2006 Tenth Doctor story School Reunion.


The Blogs of Doom, reviews, news, a huge prize-winning competition and much, much more!

A deluxe edition of this issue is also available, exclusive to WHSmith. As well as the regular edition, it includes:

SERIES 11 GUIDE featuring new interviews with Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill

DOCTOR WHO CD from Big Finish

FOUR DOUBLE-SIDED ART CARDS of the Doctor, Graham, Ryan and Yasmin

A MASSIVE, DOUBLE-SIDED POSTER featuring scenes from the new series


Doctor Who Magazine 530 is on sale 20 September. Regular edition £5.99, deluxe edition £9.99.

Image result for DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 530

The new Doctor Who theme tune includes recordings of the 1963 original

The new Doctor Who theme tune includes recordings of the 1963 original

Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill, Jodie Whittaker and Tosin Cole in Doctor Who series 11 (BBC, HF)

The Doctor Who theme is an iconic piece of music, known and loved by millions, so it’s no surprise that fans were intrigued by the news that Jodie Whittaker’s first series would feature a new arrangement of the classic tune.

Arranged by incoming series composer Segun Akinola, the fresh theme arrangement will debut with Whittaker’s first episode – but while it’s attached to a series that’s all about the new, the theme will also connect directly to Doctor Who’s past, thanks to Akinola’s decision to sample the original 1963 version of the series theme in his new creation.

“It has been arranged this year by Segun Akinola, our new composer, taking the original recordings made by Delia Derbyshire and the Radiophonic Workshop in 1963, and refashioning them for today,” new showrunner Chris Chibnall wrote in the Radio Times in September – and speaking to, Akinola confirmed the use of the original recordings in his arrangement.

“Chris said that literally and he does mean that literally, but maybe [the recordings] appear as you think they will, maybe they don’t appear as you think they will,” Akinola teased at the world premiere of series 11’s first episode, The Woman Who Fell to Earth.

“I really just stuck to the original [theme], like the very very first one, and tried to glean as much from that as I could. And tried to honour it as much as I could as well.”

More generally, Akinola said he felt a certain pressure creating a new version of the theme tune due to its notoriety – a pressure that also extended to his new compositions for the series.

“It’s such an iconic theme, one that people walking down the street can whistle, and it’s one that people really care about as well,” he told us.

“So yes, there was definitely pressure. Not that anyone, Matt [Strevens, executive producer] or Chris or anyone, was putting that pressure on me. I was kind of putting it on myself!

“It’s Doctor Who! And it’s really great, but it’s also a really big deal.

“Trying to just get on with the job, and focus on the music, and trying to make it the best that it can be, that was sometimes a challenge. But it was always such an amazing challenge, and a wonderful challenge to have.”

“Our viewpoint across the whole thing was basically that it should be new – but new didn’t mean that it had to be the opposite of everything that has come before,” he concluded.

“It was really just a blank slate, an opportunity to look and start again at it. There wasn’t anything that I particularly tried to avoid in any grand way. I just tried to make it the best it could be.”

Doctor Who returns to BBC1 on Sunday 7th October

New Series Promotion on BBC TV&Radio

New Series Promotion on BBC TV&Radio

With the Doctor Who press launch on Monday, the promotion for Jodie Whittaker‘s debut series begin in earnest, with the show’s new star making appearances on BBC television and radio. The current schedule includes:

  • Shaun Keaveny, BBC Radio 6, Thursday 27th September from 7:00am
    Our good friend Jodie Whittaker joins Shaun in the final hour of the show ahead of the new series of Dr Who starting on the BBC. Plus, Matt Everitt is here with the music news and Beak are today’s Album of the Day.
  • The Graham Norton Show, BBC One, Friday 28th September from 10:35pm
    Graham is joined by multi Oscar-nominated Bradley Cooper and pop superstar Lady Gaga, together in the hotly anticipated musical romance A Star is BornBroadchurch star Jodie Whittaker, about to begin her new incarnation on BBC1’s Doctor Who; double Oscar-nominee Ryan Gosling, playing astronaut Neil Armstrong in biopic First Man; the Rod Stewart, who performs his current single Didn’t I.
  • Saturday Breakfast with Dermot, BBC Radio 2, Saturday 29th September from 8:00am
    Jodie Whittaker, who became a household name thanks to her role in TV drama Broadchurch. pops in ahead of the first episode of Doctor Who. In July 2017 it was announced she would become the 13th Doctor, and the first female one. The new series starts this weekend on BBC 1. [sic]
  • Saturday Mash Up!, CBBC, Saturday 29th September from 9:00am
    The cast of So Awkward and vlogger Houssein join Yasmin, Jonny and Hacker! But who will get slimed? Max and Harvey are put into detention and Hacker meets the new Doctor Who – Jodie Whittaker. There’s cartoon action in new episodes of Dragons: Race to the Edge and the return of Mash-Up favourites Push-Off and How Many Things in the Thing? Also, for the first time on TV, Musical Toilets! It’s totally live – so anything can happen!

Also, playing catch-up after the premiere on the 7th October comes the Chris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2, Friday 12th October from 6:30am.

These and further up-and-coming appearances can be found via This Week In Doctor Who.

Early reactions to ‘Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

Early reactions to ‘Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth’

The BBC held a press launch of the premiere episode of Doctor Who Series 11, The Woman who Fell to Earth, on September 24 in Sheffield. Here are some early reactions, in chronological order, from those who were at the screening.

Series 11 Episode 1 Air Time Confirmed As 6.45pm!

Series 11 Episode 1 Air Time Confirmed As 6.45pm!

Episode One – The Woman Who Fell To Earth
“We don’t get aliens in Sheffield.”

In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O’Brien are about to have their lives changed forever, as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky. Can they believe a word she says? And can she help solve the strange events taking place across the city?

Action-adventure for all the family, starring Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill. Guest starring Sharon D Clarke, Johnny Dixon and Samuel Oatley. Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Jamie Childs.

“Jodie Whittaker makes her debut as the 13th Doctor, who crash lands following an explosive regeneration that has apparently destroyed the Tardis. She finds herself lost and alone in Sheffield, with no memory of who she used to be – and has an encounter with three seemingly ordinary people whose lives are about to change for ever.”

A complete cast list for the episode:

The Doctor: Jodie Whittaker
Graham O’Brien: Bradley Walsh
Ryan Sinclair: Tosin Cole
Yasmin Khan: Mandip Gill
Grace: Sharon D Clarke
Tim Shaw: Samuel Oatley
Karl: Jonny Dixon
Rahul: Amit Shah
Sonia: Asha Kingsley
Janey: Janine Mellor
Ramesh Sunder: Asif Khan
Andy: James Thackeray
Dean: Philip Abiodun
Dennis: Stephen MacKenna
Gabriel: Everal A Walsh

The information was released in a Radio Times listing for the episode.

Confirmed for BBC One on 7 October at 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Sunday 7 October
