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Month: August 2016



August 29,2016

Weekly Patch is live!

 1.Updated the level “Experimental Relative Dimension” in Fan Area.

 – drops up to 5 Yellow and 5 Black  time fragments

 – drops 1 time crystal on the first run and first run only

 – drops “12th in Velvet Coat”, John Jones “Let’s Dance” and “Low2” costumes

 – drop allies “Signature Peri”  and “Fan Area Sarah Jane Smith”

 2. The EXP bonus rotation this week goes to Chapter 3

 3. Husbands of River Song  sale ends. Price returns to $3.99

    Bonus Time Crystal Sale begins!

 6 crystals to 8

  • 13 crystals to 17

  • 27 crystals to 35

  • 70 crystals to 91

  • 170 crystals to 221

     4. Daily unit Mission update

Lethbridge-Stewart: The Grandfather Infestation

Lethbridge-Stewart: The Grandfather Infestation

The first year of Lethbridge-Stewart books went through Yeti, Rutans and Dominators (presumably the Doctor Who monster/aliens that Candy Jar could get the rights to). This year the books seem to be working through some generalised traditional foes. Lethbridge-Stewart and team have recently faced aliens from the moon, Nazis and Zombies (in the short story release ‘The Playing Dead’). Now it is the turn of man eating plants.

Inevitably they end up borrowing from Triffids and Krynoids, but as far as plant based opponents go the Grandfathers, despite their benevolent sounding title, are actually a very interesting and deadly alien species. It is there one-sided symbiotic relationship with the Ymir that makes them intriguing and original. The possibility that they could conquer and control other species in such a way means that there is certainly scope to have them return at some point or even be utilised in other Doctor Who media. They are the first monster created by the Lethbridge-Stewart books that has such potential. The Ymir themselves are also fairly worthwhile monsters, although they are somewhat too similar to the Pyroviles.

By now the Fifth Operational Corps seems to be established in their new home and working as a team. Although not yet the fully fledged UNIT we’re familiar with they are basically operating as such and are beginning to possess the feel of the Third Doctor/UNIT era. Suitably this novel more than the previous ones in the series, is, perhaps, the easiest to envisage as a Doctor Who story in terms of structure and atmosphere.

It is interesting to note that Anne Travers (who presumably stops working with Lethbridge-Stewart at least sometime before ‘Spearhead from Space’ to necessitate the initial need for Liz Shaw) has, in many ways, assumed a role that is a forerunner to that which Doctor adopts at UNIT. It is not merely that she has become the de facto scientific advisor for the Fifth Operational Corps. Her relationship with Lethbridge-Stewart certainly bears a reflection of that which later exists between the Brigadier and the Doctor.

The author also makes good use of Evans (originally appearing in ‘The Web of Fear’) and starts to make him a better rounded and developing character. This novel certainly instils some potential in him for the future books.

It is an entertaining, action packed story which utilises its various locales very well. It also includes a good link to ‘Planet of Giants’ which becomes integral to the efforts of the Brigadier and his corps.

Class’ to explore ‘real consequences’ of Whoniverse

Class’ to explore ‘real consequences’ of Whoniverse

Class Sophie Hopkins

Class creator and YA author Patrick Ness has revealed that his new Doctor Who spin-off is not “necessarily a ‘young show’.”

Set in contemporary London at Coal Hill Academy, the eight-part series will premiere on BBC Three and on BBC One in October.

Ness told Empire: “Coal Hill has existed in Doctor Who since literally episode one. The Doctor’s granddaughter went there. So we thought, ‘All that time activity at the school, has that caused any problems?’ Well, what do you know, it has!”

Doctor Who The Caretaker Coal Hill School

Discussing the show’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer influence, he explained: “Adults watch that, because it’s a great show, but the POV and the agency are all teenage, and that’s what we want to do withClass. It needs to be from the point of view of the sixth-formers – but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a ‘young show’.”

The show’s cast is led Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins and Vivian Oparah as four Sixth Formers, with Katherine Kelly (Coronation Street) playing the role of a teacher and “powerful new presence” at the school.

Class cast

Ness teased: “We’re not telling stories of the ‘chosen ones’. It’s happenstance that puts these people [at the centre of things]. What if your timing is just weird and things happen to you? How do you deal with it? I’m interested in real consequences. The Doctor is always exciting, but he never stays. He goes off on the next adventure. What happens to real people?”

He previously announced earlier this year that Class will have an LGBT lead character.

Class will air in the US on BBC America later this year.

BBC iPlayer ‘loophole’ to close on 1 September 2016

BBC iPlayer ‘loophole’ to close on 1 September 2016

Image result for doctor who on iplayer

People who watch BBC programmes only on iPlayer will be required to buy a TV licence to view the content from 1 September.

Previously a licence was only needed to watch live broadcasts, so catch-up content was technically exempt from the £145.50 annual fee.

But due to a change in the law, a licence will be needed to download or watch BBC programmes on demand.

Those who already have a TV licence will not be affected.

The change comes after the government said it wanted to modernise the current system, so those watching catch-up TV do not get “a free ride”.

‘All who watch pay for it’

“When the licence fee was invented, video on demand did not exist,” former Culture Secretary John Whittingdale said in March.

“The BBC works on the basis that all who watch it pay for it. Giving a free ride to those who enjoy Sherlock or Bake Off an hour, a day or a week after they are broadcast was never intended and is wrong.”

The new rules apply to all devices used to access iPlayer – including laptops, smartphones, tablets, TV streaming devices and games consoles, as well as through third-party services such as Sky, Virgin or BT.

However, a TV licence will still not be needed for watching other on demand services, such as ITV Player, All4, My5 or Netflix.

TV Licensing said fewer than 2% of households would be affected by the change and would “not affect the huge majority of households which are already licensed”.

It added all unlicensed households would be notified of the change in law and a publicity campaign to promote awareness will be carried out before 1 September.

TV Licensing is also pushing awareness for students, many of whom will be affected at the start of the new academic year.

Adric Returns To Big Finish!

Adric Returns To Big Finish!


The TARDIS returns to 1982 as three companions join the Doctor for new stories…

As first revealed in this week’s brand new Doctor Who Magazine, Adric (Matthew Waterhouse) is back with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa for three more main range Doctor Who adventures! It’s the first time since last year’s Scribe award-winning Doctor Who – The Fifth Doctor Boxed Set.

As Matthew Waterhouse comments: ‘I took a long time to get around to the idea of doing the audios – and now I just absolutely love it, I think the character’s beautifully written. Everything we’re doing at Big Finish is stuff that’s already in the character, in the stories, they’re just being extended a bit. Having said I don’t want to do them, now I think “when’s next week’s one going to arrive?”. This is proper Doctor Who, they’re really carefully written, they’re witty and funny, they’re highly inventive.’

Says range editor Alan Barnes, ‘It’s been great to at last bring Adric into the monthly range – well, before his tragic death, at least! Andrew Smith wrote the character’s introductory story on TV, so I was determined to get Andrew to write his re-introduction. Andrew’s The Star Men, full of far-out cosmic science, is the first story of the trilogy, in which an astronomical base at the fringes of Earth’s galaxy finds itself on the frontline of a war with an unimaginably alien force…’ Matthew adds, ‘Adric’s quite heroic in this, and a young woman finds him rather hot because she’s a bit brainy like he is: there’s some genuine, character work going on with a great concept and there’s some really nice moments between him and a young woman called Autumn (Sophie Wu)’. The Star Men also guest stars Sue Holderness (Only Fools And Horses).

‘Phil Mulryne’s The Contingency Club comes next,’ continues Alan, ‘In which the TARDIS lands inside the most exclusive gentlemen’s club in all of Victorian London – a club where all the waiters are identical clones!’ The Contingency Club features Philip Jackson (Inspector Japp in ITV’s Poirot series) and Clive Merrison, who Doctor Who fans will recognise as not only Jim Callum in Tomb of the Cybermen, but also the Deputy Caretaker in Paradise Towers.

Alan concludes: ‘Finally, Matthew J Elliott’s Zaltys brings the TARDIS to a world just hours from catastrophe, while Tegan is stranded in space… where she comes face to face with a very particular sort of horror – one she thought existed only in nightmares.’ The cast for Zaltysincludes Rebecca Root (Boy Meets Girl), Niamh Cusack (Heartbeat), Philip Franks (The Darling Buds of May, Heartbeat) and Carol Sloman – daughter of Doctor Who writerRobert Sloman!

Extended extras talking to many of the cast and creators of these three stories are just one of the free gifts that come as part of 6- and 12-story subscriptions to the Doctor Who main range, as well as significant savings: sign up today!

Joivan Wade says he’d “love to” return to Doctor Who

Joivan Wade says he’d “love to” return to Doctor Who

Ashildr and Rigsy in Doctor Who s09e10, 'Face the Raven'

He fought the Boneless and faced the raven – but will Rigsy (Joivan Wade) be back on Doctor Who any time soon?

Joivan has stated that he’s not been approached about returning to the show (though he would say that – spoilers!) – but he’d “love to” come back.

“I have no idea if Rigsy will return – I didn’t know I’d come back when I did the first one in series eight,” the actor said. “But I’d be up for it. I love Doctor Who, it’s wicked.

“Even just the culture, the fans. It’s crazy – they’re so dedicated and you don’t get that with a lot of shows. I still receive crazy fan-mail now, loads. On EastEnders, you get quite a bit, but this is more than I have for any other show.”  So perhaps we’ll see Rigsy in Doctor Who again someday? Or maybe he’d be a perfect fit for the new teen-oriented spin-off Class?

The cast of BBC Three's Class

“You never know,” grinned Wade. “I might have to text my agent now!”

The 23-year-old Wade explained that he’s become a big science fiction fan since working with Peter Capaldi on Who – even going back and watching older episodes.

“I watched a few episodes of Matt Smith, a few episodes from David Tennant, and then the stuff with Peter – just looking at the differences, really, and how it’s evolved.

Doctor Who S09E10: 'Face the Raven'

“I liked them all for different reasons. My favourite is going to be Peter because I know him, I’ve worked with him, so as a person you connect, and I feel like Peter brings something very different to the Doctor… his experience. The way he carries himself is very different.”

Ingrid Oliver says she knows which Osgood is a Zygon

Ingrid Oliver says she knows which Osgood is a Zygon

Doctor Who Osgood Ingrid Oliver The Zygon Inversion

Ingrid Oliver has hinted that there are “some very small tells” which reveal which version of herDoctor Who character Osgood is not human.

Osgood first appeared in 2013’s ‘The Day of the Doctor’, where the UNIT scientist was duplicated by a Zygon, resulting in two Osgoods. One of the Osgoods was killed by Missy in ‘Death in Heaven’, but has been left deliberately unclear in which Osgood had survived.

Discussing last year’s last year’s ‘The Zygon Invasion’ and ‘The Zygon Inversion’ episodes, Oliver told Doctor Who: The Fan Show: “In the script it simply said Osgood 1 and Osgood 2. Steven [Moffat] never said explicitly ‘This is Zygon Osgood and this is not Zygon Osgood – or Hybrid Osgood’, so I sort of made a choice, but I don’t know if it’s right!”

Doctor Who Death in Heaven Missy Osgood

Asked if there were any tells to signify which Osgood is which, she revealed: “Yes, in my head there are some very small tells. But, having said that, it’s sort of open to interpretation – because I guess that’s the point of the episode. In my head, inevitably there are a couple of little things that I did.”

Oliver joked: “I don’t know if people have noticed it – probably not… the Zygon one strokes her chin a lot!”

The new season of Doctor Who is currently filming in Cardiff will air on BBC One in spring 2017.

Steven Moffat: on why Matt Lucas is back

Steven Moffat: on why Matt Lucas is back

Matt Lucas’ keenness to return is why Steven Moffat wrote Nardole into Doctor Who series 10…

Despite becoming one of King Hydroflax’s heads in The Husbands Of River Song, Nardole – as played by Matt Lucas – will return in Doctor Who series 10. By the looks of it, he’s in rather a lot of episodes.

If you’re wondering why showrunner Steven Moffat made the decision to bring Nardole back, then here’s the answer, as Moffat spelled it out in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine:

“I decided Nardole should return to Doctor Who when Matt Lucas got in touch saying, ‘I loved being in that show. Can I come back?’ And I sat there thinking, ‘Okay, so this guy who’s out in LA being offered every kind of pilot and every kind of career advancement has basically decided that instead of all that wealth and spectacular success, he’d rather go to Cardiff and make Doctor Who.’

“I thought, ‘He is of my kind. He belongs to our world.’ And so now that was an opportunity – given that it was in front of me and possible – I decided to import the best comic timing I’ve ever seen into Doctor Who on a regular basis.”

So, there you have it. Lucas is coming back simply because he asked Moffat if he could.

The BBC has confirmed that Doctor Who series 10 will air in spring 2017. We’ll let you know when an exact start date is announced.

According to Film and TV industry website The Knowledge, the cameras will finish rolling on the Doctor’s next set of timey wimey adventures on Friday the 31st of March 2017.

Doctor Who stars pose for selfie as David Suchet joins cast to film in Cardiff

Doctor Who stars pose for selfie as David Suchet joins cast to film in Cardiff

The veteran actor was spotted filming with new companion Pearl Mackie in Wales.

Poirot star David Suchet joined the cast of Doctor Who in Cardiff this week and was more than happy to pose for a selfie.

The veteran actor is playing The Landlord in an episode written by Doctor Foster writer Mike Bartlett, which is due to air in 2017.

It’s not yet known whether the character will be a friend or an enemy of the Doctor and his new companion Bill, who was also spotted filming in the Pontcanna area of Cardiff on Wednesday.

The new series will see Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie unite for their first series of adventures through space and time with Matt Lucas due to reprise his role as the hapless Nardole.

The actor, best known for his role as Agatha Christie’s famous detective, was dressed in a brown suit, with overcoat as filming took place on a sunny afternoon in the leafy suburb.

Pearl Mackie – the Doctor’s new companion – was also spotted filming, but there was no sign of Capaldi.

Steven Moffat will pen the series opener followed by an episode from Frank Cottrell Boyce, who wrote series eight’s tenth instalment, In The Forest of The Night.

Mark Gatiss also joins the team of writers, penning at least one episode of the upcoming series.

Doctor Who returns to BBC1 in December 2016 with a Christmas Special, followed by series 10 in 2017