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Month: August 2016

Peter Capaldi enjoys an animated conversation as he welcomes young fans after filming new scenes on set

Peter Capaldi enjoys an animated conversation as he welcomes young fans after filming new scenes on set

Familiar face: As filming continues on the set of Doctor Who at Kings Weston House in Bristol, Peter Capaldi was on hand to personally greet young fans of the enormously popular show, which returns in 2017 

Work may well be underway on the forthcoming tenth series of Doctor Who, but the eccentric time lord was evidently in the mood to play during a break between scenes on Wednesday.

As filming continues at Kings Weston House in Bristol, Peter Capaldi was on hand to personally greet young fans of the enormously popular show, which returns in 2017.

Dressed in character as the flamboyant twelfth doctor, Capaldi enjoyed a conversation with one young fan – who looked on as he made a series of animated gestures.

The actor, 58, was taking a short break after filming on location at the Grade 1 listed Somerset manor, outside of which a black horse drawn carriage could be seen – suggesting the doctor has traveled back to the eighteenth century.

Completed in 1719 and boasting ceilings, marble fireplaces, and a suspended central staircase, the house should provide a suitably grandiose backdrop when the series finally returns.

Capaldi, who has played the Doctor since 2013, was also seen holding a toy Dalek while idling on set.

The Tardis is this big: Dressed in character as the flamboyant twelfth doctor, Capaldi enjoyed a conversation with one young fan - who looked on as he made a series of animated gestures 

Fun: Work may well be underway on the forthcoming tenth series of Doctor Who, but the eccentric time lord was evidently in the mood to play during a break between scenes on Wednesday

Not seen was his new assistant, played by Pearl Mackie, who was cast in April to replace outgoing Jenna Coleman.

The theatre actress – best known for her role in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time – was announced as the Doctor’s new sidekick during the FA Cup semi-final match, with a special teaser trailer showing her and the Time Lord facing off against a Dalek .

The 29-year-old, from Brixton, South London, was last spotted on location in Cardiff with Capaldi in July.

Taking a breather: The actor, 58, was taking a short break after filming on location at Grade 1 listed Somerset manor Weston House

She certainly has a fan in her co-star, who recently said: ‘It is a genuine delight to welcome Pearl Mackie to Doctor Who.

‘A fine, fine actress with a wonderful zest and charm, she’s a refreshing addition to the TARDIS and will bring a universe of exciting new possibilities to The Doctor’s adventures.’

Dr Who series ten will air next Spring, with filming expected to finish on March 31 2017.

Peter Capaldi sent a surprise message to some Doctor Who fans on their wedding day

Peter Capaldi sent a surprise message to some Doctor Who fans on their wedding day

Peter Capaldi sent a surprise message to some Doctor Who fans on their wedding day

We all know the Doctor is a whizz at weddings – as the sci-fi series has previously mentioned, the Tardis is something old, new, borrowed and blue all at once – so it’s no surprise to find out that Peter Capaldi recently made a couple of Whovians’ day when he sent a surprise message to their nuptials.


Telling new husband-and-wife team Brian and Lesley that he could vouch for their relationship from the future, it was a masterclass of fan interaction from the Twelfth Doctor, which inspired literal bowing from the bride herself.

Now, if we could only work out how to send the RSVPs to the Tardis, any incarnation of the Doctor would be a must-have guest for any wedding day. Especially when it comes to the dancing…

Doctor Who will return to BBC One this Christmas

Jenna Coleman reveals how Doctor Who co-star Peter Capaldi makes fun of her

Jenna Coleman reveals how Doctor Who co-star Peter Capaldi makes fun of her

Jenna Coleman reveals how Doctor Who co-star Peter Capaldi makes fun of her

Jenna Coleman may have moved on from Doctor Who to reign high in ITV’s Victoria, but she hasn’t forgotten her roots – or at least, former co-star Peter Capaldi won’t LET her forget them.

Speaking to Nick Grimshaw on BBC Radio 1 this morning, the actress chatted about her time on the BBC sci-fi series, before recounting a story of how Capaldi still teased her after she changed her acting name from Jenna-Louise Coleman to plain old Jenna Coleman.

“Peter makes fun of me because I’ve dropped Louise,” she told Grimshaw.

“I’ve dropped my middle name – just because I was going to places and people were going Jenna-Louise, Jenna-Louise and I found it so weird because it’s just not my name. Well it is, but it’s not.

“So Peter calls me ‘the artist formerly known as JLC’ which I quite like.”

When asked if she responded to that name or just ignored fans, she added: “No, I respond, or I just look at Peter with a sigh.”

We’re sure his hearts are in the right place – after all, if you can change your name on a whim and get paid to dress in a crown all day, we’re sure it’s handy to have a friend to help keep your feet on the ground – but in any case, it’s good to know the former Tardis crew are still on good terms.

With that said, it’s not exactly like Coleman is pining for her days as Clara, with the actress responding in the negative when asked whether she missed Doctor Who.

“I don’t yet just because I think I was leaving for so long,” she said, “and I loved Wales but London and Yorkshire (where Victoria is filmed) are nice as well.”

Or could it be because she might still have a little bit of Doctor Who acting to come? Only time (and space) will tell – though for now, it seems like Miss Oswald is quite happy in her palatial new home. Long live the Queen!

Victoria continues on ITV this Sunday

Doctor Who: Legacy Newsletter #138 – New Challenge Levels!

Doctor Who: Legacy Newsletter #138 – New Challenge Levels!

Greetings Whovian friends!  Happy Tuesday again to you — Tuesday means another installment of our long-running newsletter and a live Twitch stream tonight with Adi and Tiny Rebel Games! We hope you’ll find time to join us at 7 pm pacific / 11 am eastern.  Over the next 6 weeks, we’re revisiting the Challenge Levels and adding 6 new levels, one per week!  Read all about it below. Doctor Who: Legacy is now a verified account on Twitter (#Huzzah!) — follow us for all the latest news and information!

Patch Notes:

August 22nd patch

Weekly patch is live!

1. Bonus Time Crystal Sale begins!  Stock up for the character drops coming for the next 6 weeks in the Challenge Levels?

2. Updated the level “Experimental Relative Dimension” in Fan Area.
– drops up to 5 Yellow and 5 Black time fragments
– drops 1 time crystal on the first run and first run only
– drops “12th in Velvet Coat”, John Jones “Let’s Dance” and “Low2” costumes
– drop allies “Signature Peri” and “Fan Area Sarah Jane Smith”

3. The EXP bonus rotation this week goes to Chapter 3

4. Husbands of River Song sale ends. Price returns to $3.99

5. Daily unit Mission update

New Challenge Levels!

Are you familiar with the Challenge Levels in Doctor Who: Legacy?  These levels are of varying difficulty (noted in level name) and require a specific Doctor and/or allies to play.  The reward has always been one time crystal on first successful completion.

Over the next 6 patches, we’ll be rolling out a new Challenge Level each weekend (for a total of 6 new levels) and each level will reward 1 time crystal but will also have a chance to drop a new drop reward of the week!

Week 1 level rare reward – Susan Foreman

Week 2 level rare reward – Shayde

Week 3 level rare reward – Frobisher

Week 4 level rare reward – Abslom Daak

Week 5 level rare reward – Grace Holloway (new, non Fan Area)

Week 6 level rare reward – Gwen Cooper (new, non Fan Area)

Weekly Live Twitch

Be sure to join us for our live weekly Twitch broadcast on Tuesdays at 7pm UK time / 11 am pacific time! !

Ask Sharee!

For this week’s Ask Sharee I’d like to go back to some Chapter 1 basics.

There have been a few new players having difficulty with the latter part of that Chapter. Often the teams are made up of Rank 1 allies and don’t have the Health or Attack strength to make it through the last third of the chapter.

Usually by the 20th level you should have earned enough fragments to rank an ally or a Doctor to Rank 2. By the end of the chapter, you’ll want to have some of your teammates at level 20. If you begin running into trouble on a level, I usually suggest going back to some of the earlier levels to earn fragments, practice gem movements, and making combos.

While building teams, look at which fragments will be dropping. Usually, but not always, those will be the color of enemies you’ll be seeing most frequently in the level. By observing that, you can plan accordingly with color strengths and weaknesses while building your teams.

That’s all for this week’s Ask Sharee. Remember you can, subject: Ask Sharee, for help with levels and you’ll earn a Time Crystal if I use your question!

new series 10 filming at Bristol wedding venue with fake snow

new series 10 filming at Bristol wedding venue with fake snow

Doctor Who is filming at Kings Weston House pics: Doug Jewell

Doctor Who has come back to Bristol to film for the new series 10.

TV crews have taken over parts of Kings Weston House, with the front of the venue being covered in ‘fake snow’.

A black 1800s horse-drawn carriage can be seen at the entrance of the Grade I listed house, which sits in Kings Weston Lane in Kingsweston.

Fans around Bristol are speculating the crews might be filming for the Doctor’s Christmas Special.?

It is the first time the popular wedding and conference venue will feature in the TV series, and fans are expected to start gathering at the site.

There have been various tweets that the filming might be taking place at the similar looking Blaise Castle House, but it has been confirmed as Kings Weston House instead.

The house was built between 1712 and 1719 and has various outbuildings and extensive grounds.

No Daleks have yet been spotted.

The new series is expected to be on television screens by spring next year, and will be the swansong for show chief Steven Moffat.

Steven is set to bow out after his sixth series running the BBC1 drama and will be replaced by Broadchurch writer Chris Chibnall.

Power Of The Daleks Animated by the BBC?

Power Of The Daleks Animated by the BBC?

Image result for power of the daleks

News is coming in tonight from the UK newspaper The Daily Mirror stating that, the BBC have animated the missing six part story “The Power Of The Daleks”. 

The Gallifreyan Newsroom would like to urge extreme caution regarding this story as it certainty has not been confirmed by the BBC or indeed any other official source. However, that being said, we thought we should let you read the story for yourself, which was published at 22.39 by Mark Jefferies and Nicola Methven. If in the meantime we do hear of any official announcement, we will of course race the news out to you without delay.

Joy for fans as Time Lord’s epic fight with Daleks from 1966 is revived by BBC in animated six-part story.

Six long-lost episodes of Doctor Who are to be revived as cartoons – 50 years after they were aired.

BBC Worldwide has ­commissioned a company to animate the 1966 classic six-part story The Power of the Daleks, featuring the first ever Doctor Who regeneration.

Patrick Troughton’s first outing as the Time Lord – taking over from William Hartnell – is the holy grail for fans, as it was only shown once in the UK and only sold overseas to Australia and New Zealand.

The film prints of the black-and-white fourth series were junked from the BBC archives during the early 70s.

Only a handful of short clips and cine film footage shot by a fan survive.

In the story Patrick turns up instead of the old Doctor, telling his companions Ben and Polly that the Tardis helped him to renew himselff.

They remain sceptical but stand by him as he faces his most deadly foe – the Daleks – on the planet Vulcan.

The story has now been brought back to life, using state-of-the-art animation based on off-screen photos taken at the time.

One thing’s for certain – it’s a hell of a lot easier for cartoon Daleks to get up the stairs.

Doctor Who: 2016 Event #3

Doctor Who: 2016 Event #3

Witness the birth of the new Cybermen invasion, as the history of this aggressive Cyberiad is at last revealed! The Tenth Doctor takes a titanic machine into combat. The Twelfth Doctor finds an unlikely ally. The Ninth Doctor loses one of his own. And the Eleventh Doctor discovers something impossible!

On Sale From: 31st August 2016

The Twelfth Doctor #2.9

The Twelfth Doctor #2.9

Rachael Stott is back on interior art as the Doctor receives a strange summons from an impossible source, and finds himself trapped inside a house of infinite dimensions! What is the Doctor’s connection to the family that brought him there, and what is the stunning secret of the house itself?!

On Sale From: 31st August 2016